System.Web.UI.HtmlControls (system.web.dll) | class |
This class represents the HTML <input
type=file> tag, which allows the user to upload a binary
or text file. This control is rendered as a text box with a paired
Browse button. The Browse button opens a standard file selection
dialog box. The chosen file is not transmitted until the form is
posted to the server (usually through a submit button). You can then
add code in the event handler of this button to save or otherwise
manipulate the file using the PostedFile property,
which provides a System.Web.HttpPostedFile object.
You can use the HtmlInputFile property to specify
a comma-separated list of MIME file types that your control will
accept. You can also change the maximum path length for the filename
(MaxLength) and the width of the file path text
box (Size). The
HtmlForm.Enctype property of the containing form
must be set to multipart/form-data to allow file
uploads. You can limit the maximum size of file uploads using the
maxRequestLength setting in the
web.config file. By default, file uploads larger
than 4096 KB will not be allowed.
public class HtmlInputFile : HtmlInputControl, System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler {
// Public Constructors
public HtmlInputFile( );
// Public Instance Properties
public string Accept{set; get; }
public int MaxLength{set; get; }
public HttpPostedFile PostedFile{get; }
public int Size{set; get; }
public override string Value{set; get; } // overrides HtmlInputControl
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e); // overrides System.Web.UI.Control