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System.Web.Services.Description ( class

This class represents the WSDL <service> element. It groups multiple related Port objects and identifies them with a Name. To invoke a web service method, a client sends a SOAP request identifying the service, the port in that service, and the operation it wants executed along with the input parameter values.

public sealed class Service : DocumentableItem {
// Public Constructors
   public Service( );
// Public Instance Properties
   public ServiceDescriptionFormatExtensionCollection Extensions{get; }
   public string Name{set; get; }
   public PortCollection Ports{get; }
   public ServiceDescription ServiceDescription{get; }


System.Object DocumentableItem Service

Returned By

Port.Service, ProtocolImporter.Service, ProtocolReflector.Service, ServiceCollection.this, ServiceDescriptionCollection.GetService( )

Passed To

ServiceCollection.{Add( ), Contains( ), CopyTo( ), IndexOf( ), Insert( ), Remove( ), this}

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