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System.Web.UI.WebControls (system.web.dll)sealed class

The DataListCommandEventArgs class provides more information for the ItemCommand, CancelCommand, DeleteCommand, EditCommand, and UpdateCommand events of the DataList control. This information consists of an Item property identifying the affected DataListItem, and a CommandSource property that refers to the button or hyperlink that was clicked. You will have to cast this object to an appropriate type to read its properties.

public sealed class DataListCommandEventArgs : CommandEventArgs {
// Public Constructors
   public DataListCommandEventArgs(DataListItem item, object commandSource, CommandEventArgs originalArgs);
// Public Instance Properties
   public object CommandSource{get; }
   public DataListItem Item{get; }


System.Object System.EventArgs CommandEventArgs DataListCommandEventArgs

Passed To

DataList.{OnCancelCommand( ), OnDeleteCommand( ), OnEditCommand( ), OnItemCommand( ), OnUpdateCommand( )}, DataListCommandEventHandler.{BeginInvoke( ), Invoke( )}

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