System.Web.UI.WebControls (system.web.dll) | sealed class |
This class includes information about how various list controls,
including CheckBoxList,
DataList, and RadioButtonList,
should repeat their items in a list. It is used primarily by control
developers. public sealed class RepeatInfo {
// Public Constructors
public RepeatInfo( );
// Public Instance Properties
public bool OuterTableImplied{set; get; }
public int RepeatColumns{set; get; }
public RepeatDirection RepeatDirection{set; get; }
public RepeatLayout RepeatLayout{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public void RenderRepeater(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer, IRepeatInfoUser user, Style controlStyle,
WebControl baseControl);
Passed To
IRepeatInfoUser.RenderItem( )