This class represents a collection of
System.DateTime objects. It is used by the
SelectedDates property of the
Calendar class to provide all the dates that have
been selected.
The Calendar.SelectedDates property is used when
the Calendar.SelectionMode property is set to
either CalendarSelectionMode.DayWeek or
CalendarSelectionMode.DayWeekMonth, both of which
allow multiple selections (by week or month). If the
Calendar.SelectionMode property is set to
CalendarSelectionMode.Day, the
Calendar.SelectedDate property should be used to
determine the selected date instead.
public sealed class SelectedDatesCollection : ICollection, IEnumerable {
// Public Constructors
public SelectedDatesCollection(System.Collections.ArrayList dateList);
// Public Instance Properties
public int Count{get; } // implements ICollection
public bool IsReadOnly{get; }
public bool IsSynchronized{get; } // implements ICollection
public object SyncRoot{get; } // implements ICollection
public DateTime this[int index]{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public void Add(DateTime date);
public void Clear( );
public bool Contains(DateTime date);
public void CopyTo(Array array, int index); // implements ICollection
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator( ); // implements IEnumerable
public void Remove(DateTime date);
public void SelectRange(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate);