Recipe 1.11 Obtaining the Result of a Function
1.11.1 Problem
You want to perform
a function and return the results to
the script that invoked the function.
1.11.2 Solution
Use a return statement that specifies the value
to return.
1.11.3 Discussion
The return statement, when used without any
parameters, simply terminates a function. Technically,
return returns the value
undefined to the caller if no value is specified.
Likewise, if there is no return statement, the
function returns undefined when it terminates. But
any value specified after the return keyword is
returned to script that invoked the function. Usually, the returned
value is stored in a variable for later use:
function average (a, b) {
// Return the average of a and b.
return (a + b)/2;
var playerScore ;
// Call the average( ) function and store the result in a variable.
playerScore = average(6, 12);
// Use the result in some way.
trace("The player's average score is " + playerScore);
You can use the return value of a function, without storing it in a
variable, by passing it as a parameter to another function:
trace("The player's average score is " + average(6, 12));
Note, however, that if you do nothing with the return value of the
function, the result is effectively lost. For example, this statement
has no detectable benefit because the result is never displayed or
used in any way:
average(6, 12);