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Recipe 12.13 Program: Color Selector Component

In this program, you create a color selector component similar to the one that is available from the Tools panel when you click on either the stroke or fill color. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new movie clip symbol named ColorSelector.

  2. Open the Linkage properties for ColorSelector using the Library panel's pop-up Options menu. Export the symbol for ActionScript and give it a linkage identifier of ColorSelectorSymbol.

  3. On the first frame of the default layer of ColorSelector, add the following code:

    function ColorSelectorClass (  ) {
      // Define color transform object properties. resetTransform resets a movie
      // clip's colors back to the symbol's original values. selectTransform sets the
      // movie clip's colors to white.
      this.resetTransform = {ra: 100, rb: 0, ga: 100, gb: 0, ba: 100, bb: 0, aa: 100, 
                             ab: 0};
      this.selectTransform = {ra: 100, rb: 255, ga: 100, gb: 255, ba: 100, bb: 255, 
                              aa: 100, ab: 0};
      // The num property is used to count the number of color swatches.
      this.num = 0;
      // The selectedColor property is the RGB value 
      // of the color selected by the user.
      this.selectedColor = 0;
      // Call the startListeners(  ) method to watch the selectedColor property. This
      // custom handler is implemented in Recipe 12.11.
      // Create a movie clip to hold all the color swatches and initially set it to
      // be invisible. Set the y position of the swatches_mc movie clip to 15 so that
      // it appears below the button (see code that follows).
      this.createEmptyMovieClip("swatches_mc", 1);
      this.swatches_mc._visible = false;
      this.swatches_mc._y = 15;
      // Create the button movie clip that opens and closes the color selector. Draw
      // a square within it and add a text field with a c for color.
      this.createEmptyMovieClip("open_btn", 2);
      this.open_btn.lineStyle(0, 0x000000, 100);
      this.open_btn.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 0);
      this.open_btn.drawRectangle(15, 15, 0, 0, 7.5, 7.5);
      this.open_btn.endFill(  );
      this.open_btn.createTextField("label_txt", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      this.open_btn.label_txt.autoSize = true;
      this.open_btn.label_txt.text = " c";
      this.open_btn.label_txt.selectable = false;
      // When the button is pressed, toggle the visibility of the swatches.
      this.open_btn.onRelease = function (  ) {
        this._parent.toggle(  );
      var swatch, r, g, b, rgb;
      // Create the swatches. There are 216 swatches total--six blocks of six-by-six
      // swatches. Create three nested for loops to accomplish this.
      for (var redModifier = 0; redModifier < 6; redModifier ++) {
        for (var blueModifier = 0; blueModifier < 6; blueModifier++) {
          for (var greenModifier = 0; greenModifier < 6; greenModifier++) {
            // The red, green, and blue values of each swatch follow a pattern that 
            // you can see for yourself if you experiment with the color selector in
            // the Flash authoring environment. This code follows the same pattern. 
            r = 0x33 * redModifier;
            g = 0x33 * greenModifier; 
            b = 0x33 * blueModifier;
            rgb = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
            // Create each swatch with the createSwatch(  ) 
            // method (see the following code).
            swatch_mc = this.createSwatch(rgb);
            // Move each swatch to its correct position.
            swatch_mc._y = 10*blueModifier;
            swatch_mc._x = 10*greenModifier + (redModifier*60);
            if (redModifier >= 3) {
              swatch_mc._y += 60;
              swatch_mc._x -= 180;
    // Component classes must inherit from MovieClip.
    ColorSelectorClass.prototype = new MovieClip(  );
    ColorSelectorClass.prototype.toggle = function (  ) {
      this.swatches_mc._visible = !this.swatches_mc._visible;
    ColorSelectorClass.prototype.createSwatch = function (rgb) {
      // Create the movie clips for the swatches. Each swatch name and depth must be
      // unique. Accomplish this by using the value of the num property, which is
      // incremented each time a new swatch is created.
      var swatch_mc = this.swatches_mc.createEmptyMovieClip(
                        "swatch" + this.num + "_mc", this.num);
      // Within the swatch_mc clip, create outline_mc and fill_mc movie clips so that
      // the outline color can be controlled without affecting the fill color. This
      // is important for the rollover effect.
      swatch_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("outline_mc", 2);
      swatch_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("fill_mc", 1);
      // In the outline_mc clip, draw a square outline.
      swatch_mc.outline_mc.lineStyle(0, 0x000000, 100);
      swatch_mc.outline_mc.drawRectangle(9, 9, 0, 0, 5, 5);
      // In the fill_mc clip, draw a filled square.
      swatch_mc.fill_mc.lineStyle(0, 0x000000, 0);
      swatch_mc.fill_mc.beginFill(rgb, 100);
      swatch_mc.fill_mc.drawRectangle(10, 10, 0, 0, 5, 5);
      swatch_mc.fill_mc.endFill(  );
      // Set an rgb property for the swatch to be 
      // equal to the value of the fill color.
      swatch_mc.rgb = rgb;
      // Create a Color object to control the outline color. 
      // On rollover, set the color transform to the selectTransform 
      // object to turn the outline white. On rollout use the
      // resetTransform object to set the color back to the original value.
      swatch_mc.col = new Color(swatch_mc.outline_mc);
      swatch_mc.onRollOver = function (  ) {
      swatch_mc.onRollOut = function (  ) {
      // When the swatch is clicked, set the selectColor property of the color
      // selector component instance to the value of the swatch's rgb property. The
      // selectColor property is listened to, so the onSelectedColorChange(  ) method
      // of any listener objects is automatically invoked.
      swatch_mc.onRelease = function (  ) {
        this._parent._parent.selectedColor = this.rgb;
        this._parent._parent.toggle(  );
      // Increment num (used to generate unique names and depths).
      // Return a reference to the swatch_mc clip.
      return swatch_mc;
    // Register the class to the ColorSelectorSymbol linkage identifier.
    Object.registerClass("ColorSelectorSymbol", ColorSelectorClass);
  4. On the main timeline, add the following code to the first frame of the default layer. This code adds an instance of the component to the Stage.

    // You must include (from Chapter 4) and (from
    // Recipe 12.11) in any movie in which you use the color selector component.
    #include ""
    #include ""
    // Add an instance of the component.
    _root.attachMovie("ColorSelectorSymbol", "colorSelector", 1);
    // Create a listener object with the onSelectedColorChange(  ) method.
    colorListener = new Object(  );
    colorListener.onSelectedColorChange = function (oldVal, newVal) {
      // When the color is selected, this method is called and the hexadecimal value
      // is displayed in the Output window.
    // Add the listener to the color selector.
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