Loading external .swf files into a Flash movie
has long been a part of ActionScript. Beginning with Flash Player 6
it is also possible to load JPEG and MP3 files into a Flash movie at
runtime. The
implications of
this are rather important. There are many good reasons for loading
external content into your Flash movies at runtime, such as:
It is easier and more convenient to manage external assets than to
have to open the Flash document, import new or modified assets, and
re-export the .swf file each time you want to
make a change. In larger applications it makes sense to have different
.swf files that are authored by different people
or teams that can be assembled at runtime by a main, loading movie.
This solves the bottleneck problems that can occur when trying to
author a single .swf file (since only one person
at a time can edit a Flash document). By loading external assets, you can create applications in which
users can load their own assets into the Flash movie (for an example,
see the jukebox application in Chapter 26). Loading external assets at runtime enables you to download assets to
the client's computer as they are requested. This is
important for large applications. For example, consider an
application that allows a user to view photographs of a room in order
to select a paint color. The application might allow a user to select
from 90 colors, and each color selection might display a different
version of the same photograph in which the walls have been painted
that color. It is likely that most users will not view all 90 images,
so it makes sense to avoid downloading all the images (which could
create a significant increase in initial download time). Instead, the
appropriate images can be downloaded as they are requested.
The preceding list includes just a few of the many benefits of
loading external assets. Undoubtedly, you can discover more as you
create your own application.
In the recipes throughout this chapter, you can find solutions to all
kinds of problems related to loading external, binary
assets at runtime. Binary assets include SWFs, JPEGs, and
MP3s. For more information about loading textual data see the recipes
dealing with the LoadVars and
XML classes in Chapter 18 and Chapter 19.