Recipe 16.5 Sharing Information Between Movies Within the Same Domain
16.5.1 Problem
You want two movies within the same domain to have access to
the same local shared object.
16.5.2 Solution
Specify a local path parameter when creating and opening the local
shared object.
16.5.3 Discussion
By default, local shared objects are saved to a path on the client
computer that is unique to the domain, path, and name of the
.swf file that is calling the
getLocal( ) method. This prevents name conflicts
between local shared objects from different domains or even different
movies on the same domain. For example, on a system running Windows
XP, if a movie named myMovie.swf served from writes a local shared
object named myFirstLSO, the data is saved to
the following location:
- D:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\ascb\myMovie.swf\myFirstLSO.sol
The name of the .swf file is included in the
path to which the LSO is saved so that it will not conflict with an
LSO named myFirstLSO created by another movie
served from the same domain and path. However, in some cases, you
want two movies on the same domain to have access to the same LSO. In
these cases, you should use the optional local path parameter when
creating and opening the LSO using getLocal( ).
The local path parameter (the second parameter passed to
getLocal( )) must be a string that specifies the
full or partial path to the .swf file that
created the LSO. For example:
my_l_so = SharedObject.getLocal("myFirstLSO", "/");
If the preceding code exists in myMovie.swf,
which is served from, the
local shared object is stored at the following location:
- D:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\\myFirstLSO.sol
An LSO created in this way can be opened by any other Flash movie in
the same domain with the following line of ActionScript:
my_l_so = SharedObject.getLocal("myFirstLSO", "/");
It is important to understand that a movie can only create and/or
open an LSO within the same full or partial path. To understand this,
consider an example with two Flash movies:
movieOne.swf and
movieTwo.swf. Both movies are served from the
same domain——but at
different paths. movieOne.swf is served from, and
movieTwo.swf is served from In this
scenario, movieOne.swf can create and read LSOs
with any of the following local path values:
and movieTwo.swf can create and read LSOs with
any of the following local path values:
Therefore, if you want both movies to be able to access a common LSO,
you must specify one of the two local paths that the movies share
(/ or /ascb) when you
invoke the getLocal( ) method.
To illustrate how you can share data between two (or more) Flash
movies within the same domain, let's take a look at
an example. If the movies don't exist within the
same directory, we must specify a local path that is common to both
of them in the directory hierarchy. Let's start by
looking at what happens if we fail to specify a common local path:
Create a new Flash document, and on the first frame of the main
timeline add the following code: this.createTextField("message_txt", 1, 100, 100, 100, 20);
message_l_so = SharedObject.getLocal("messageLSO");
val = ( == undefined) ? 0 :; = val;
message_txt.text = "movie A value: " + val; Create a new directory somewhere on your computer. Name this
directory LSOTest. Create two subdirectories within LSOTest. Name
these subdirectories movieAPath and
movieBPath. Save the document as movieA.fla to the
LSOTest/movieAPath directory. Export the movie as movieA.swf to the
LSOTest/movieAPath directory. Create a new Flash document, and on the first frame of the main
timeline add the following code (it's almost
identical to the code in movieA.fla): this.createTextField("message_txt", 1, 100, 100, 100, 20);
message_l_so = SharedObject.getLocal("messageLSO");
val = ( == undefined) ? 0 :; = val;
message_txt.text = "movie B value: " + val; Save the document as movieB.fla to the
LSOTest/movieBPath directory. Export the movie as movieB.swf to the
LSOTest/movieBPath directory. Open movieA.swf in a web browser and reload the
page several times. Each time you reload, you should see the number
increment by one. Test movieB.swf in the same way you tested
movieA.swf. You should see the number increment
by one with each reload as well. However, notice that the number
starts at 0. This is because, as it stands,
movieA.swf and movieB.swf
use different shared objects. Even though the shared objects have the
same name, they have different paths. To cause both movies to use the same shared object, we must tell them
to look in the same path. Modify the line of code that opens the
shared object so that it reads as follows in both
movieA.fla and movieB.fla: message_l_so = SharedObject.getLocal("messageLSO", "/"); This causes both movies to look to a common path for the shared
object, and hence use the same file. Save the Flash documents and re-export the .swf
files. Test the movies again as in steps 9 and 10. This time, notice that
each update to one movie also increments the value used by the other
movie. This is because they are now using the same shared object.
16.5.4 See Also
Chapter 17
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