Recipe 20.10 Calling ColdFusion Functions from Flash
20.10.1 Problem
You want to invoke ColdFusion
service functions
using Flash Remoting.
20.10.2 Solution
Preferably use a ColdFusion Component (CFC).
Alternatively, you can
invoke a ColdFusion page, with some modifications.
20.10.3 Discussion
When you are using ColdFusion, there are two types of Flash Remoting
service functions: ColdFusion pages and CFC methods.
Preferably, you should use CFC methods instead of ColdFusion pages
for all of your Flash Remoting needs. Calling a CFC method from Flash
Remoting does not require any special code changes to the CFC. The
only consideration is that you must make sure that the CFC method can
be accessed remotely by setting the
<cffunction> tag's
access attribute to
"remote", as follows:
<cffunction name="myCFCMethod" access="remote">
<!--- method body --->
When you want to call a CFC method from a Flash movie, you should
create a service object that maps to the CFC by specifying the fully
qualified CFC name in the getService( ) method.
The fully qualified CFC name includes any packages in which the CFC
has been placed. For example:
// Create a service object that maps to a CFC named MyCFC in the root of the
// ColdFusion application.
myService = myConnection.getService("MyCFC");
// Or, if the CFC is in a package, create a service object including the package
// name. This example maps to a CFC named MyCFC in the OReilly.ASCB package.
myService = myConnection.getService("OReilly.ASCB.MyCFC");
If you must use a ColdFusion page with Flash Remoting, you must make
changes to the code within the page. Any values that the page
receives or returns are contained within the ColdFusion
FLASH scope. All parameters that you send to the
ColdFusion page via the service function invocation are stored in the
params array within the FLASH
scope. If you want to return a value to the Flash movie from the
ColdFusion page, you should assign that value to the
result variable within the
FLASH scope. You can return only one value per
ColdFusion page. The last value assigned to the
FLASH.result variable when the page has been
processed is the value that is returned.
<!--- Set two variables within the ColdFusion page to the values of the first
two parameters passed to the page from the Flash movie that called it --->
<CFSET myFirstParam = FLASH.params[1]>
<CFSET mySecondParam = FLASH.params[2]>
<!--- Return a value to the Flash movie --->
<CFSET FLASH.result = "a return value">
20.10.4 See Also
Recipe 20.11