Recipe 8.20 Embedding Fonts
8.20.1 Problem
You want to ensure that text
will display properly even if the
intended font is not installed on the user's
8.20.2 Solution
Export the font in the movie's Library, set the text
field's embedFonts property to
true, and use a TextFormat
object, setting its font property to the linkage
identifier for the embedded font.
8.20.3 Discussion
You should embed fonts if you want to ensure that text will display
using the intended font even if the font is not installed on the
user's computer. To embed a font, follow these
Open the Flash document's Library and select New
Font from the pop-up Options menu (see Figure 8-4).
A Font Symbol Properties dialog box appears.
 In the Name field, specify the name given to the symbol in the
Library. Any name will suffice, so specify a name that makes sense to
you. From the Font drop-down list, select the font that you wish to embed. If you wish to include the bold and/or italic versions of the font as
well, select the appropriate checkboxes. Be aware that including bold
and italic font outlines will increase the file size significantly,
so do so only if you really need them. Click OK in the Font Symbol Properties dialog box. Select the new Font symbol in the Library and choose Linkage from the
pop-up Options menu. In the Linkage Properties dialog box, select the Export for
ActionScript and Export in First Frame checkboxes. Give the symbol a linkage identifier. This is the name that will be
used in the ActionScript code. The linkage identifier should be
something that corresponds to the font. For example, if the font you
are embedding is Garamond, you might give it a linkage identifier of
garamondEmbedded. Click OK in the Linkage Properties dialog box. Set the embedFonts property of the text field to
true. By default, the property is
false, which means that Flash uses device fonts.
By setting the embedFonts property to
true, the text field can use embedded fonts only.
If you attempt to assign a device font to a text field with
embedFonts set to true, nothing
will be displayed. myTextField.embedFonts = true; Set the TextFormat.font
property to the linkage identifier of the embedded font. If this
value is not found, no text is displayed. myTextFormat.font = "garamondEmbedded"; Apply the TextFormat object to the text field
using setTextFormat( ): myTextField.setTextFormat(myTextFormat);
8.20.4 See Also
Recipe 8.16 and Recipe 8.19