Recipe 9.1 Joining Strings
9.1.1 Problem
You want to
concatenate (join) together two or more
strings into a single value.
9.1.2 Solution
Use the string concatenation operator (+) or the
combination concatenation-assignment operator
(+=). Alternatively, use the concat(
) method.
9.1.3 Discussion
You can join together multiple
strings in a single
expression using the concatenation operator (+)
between the two string operands:
// Results in a single value of "Thisworks" (no space)
myString = "This" + "works";
If you want to join together more than two strings, use additional
concatenation operators and string value operands in the appropriate
// Results in a single value of "This works" (with a space)
myString = "This" + " " + "works";
In the preceding examples, there is little reason why you would need
to join together the string literals instead of assigning a single
string value ("This works" instead
of "This" + "
" + "works").
However, this demonstrates the technique you'll use
when working with dynamic values. You can use the concatenation
operator to join together not only string literals, but also
variables containing string values (or values that can be converted
to strings). For example:
num = 24.
// Results in a single value of "There are 24 people"
myString = "There are " + num + " people";
The concatenation operator automatically converts any non-string
values to strings, as long as at least one of the operands in the
statement is a string. In the preceding example, the number value,
24, is converted to the string value
"24" automatically before being
joined with the other strings. However, if all the operands are
numbers, the ActionScript interpreter treats the +
operator as the addition operator instead of the concatenation
num1 = 24;
num2 = 42;
// Results in a number value of 66
myString = num1 + num2;
You can concatenate, rather than add, two or more numbers in several
ways. One way is to concatenate an empty string to the beginning of
the statement:
num1 = 24;
num2 = 42;
// Results in a string value of "2442"
myString = "" + num1 + num2;
The empty string must be placed first in the expression because if
the two numbers appear first, they are added rather than
concatenated, even though the final value is still converted to a
num1 = 24;
num2 = 42;
// Results in a string value of "66"
myString = num1 + num2 + "";
Another option is to use the String( ) function
to ensure that at least one of the numbers
is converted to a string before performing the concatenation:
num1 = 24;
num2 = 42;
// Results in a string value of "2442"
myString = String(num1) + num2;
When you use this technique for only two numbers, it does not matter
which one you convert to a string (or you can convert both). But if
you are joining more than two numbers, you should convert the first
or second number to a string. Otherwise, the numbers preceding the
value that is converted to a string will be added rather than
num1 = 24;
num2 = 42;
num3 = 21;
// Results in a string value of "6621"
myString = num1 + num2 + String(num3);
If you want to add, rather than concatenate, two number values in the
middle of a string concatenation statement, you should enclose that
expression in parentheses. This evaluates the expression first,
treating it as an addition operation rather than a concatenation
num1 = 24;
num2 = 42;
// Results in "There are 66 people"
myString = "There are " + (num1 + num2) + " people";
You can also append text to strings using multiple lines of code
rather than trying to cram it all into one statement. You should use
the combination concatenation-assignment operator in these cases.
myString = "a ";
myString += "quick ";
myString += "brown ";
myString += "fox";
This technique can be useful for several reasons. First of all,
sometimes you want to join together long string values, and your code
remains more readable when you break it up into multiple lines:
myString = "This is the first line of a long paragraph of text.\n";
myString += "By adding line by line to the string variable you make ";
myString += "your code more readable.";
You may have a good reason to append more text to a string over time
rather than all at once. For example, your movie may periodically
poll a server-side script that returns updated data. You can append
this new data to an existing string using the combination
concatenation-assignment operator. For example:
// lv is a LoadVars object.
lv.onLoad = function ( ) {
// Assume the server script returns a variable named newData. You can append its
// value (and a newline) to an existing string named myString.
_root.myString += this.newData + newline;
You can also use the String.concat( ) method to
append new values to the end of an existing string. The
concat( ) method does not affect the original
string. Instead, it returns a new string containing the concatenated
myString = "first string value.";
// Set myNewString to "first string value.second string value."
// The value of myString remains unchanged.
myNewString = myString.concat("second string value.");
Flash 4 used the & operator for string
concatenation. Flash converts the & operator
to the add operator when updating Flash 4 files
to Flash 5 or Flash 6 format. The + operator is
the preferred string concatenation operator in
Flash 5 and later.