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Recipe 5.1 Showing Highlighted PHP Source Without Symlinking


You want to be able to see the syntax-enhanced source to your PHP scripts without having to set up symbolic links for all of them.


Add a line such as the following to your httpd.conf file:

RewriteRule "^(.*\.php)s$" "/cgi-bin/show.php?file=$1" [PT,L]

Create a file named show.php as shown below, and put it in your server's /cgi-bin/ directory:

 * Show the highlighted source of a PHP script without a symlink or copy.
if ((! isset($_GET))
    || (! isset($_GET['file']))
    || (! ($file = $_GET['file']))) {
     * Missing required arguments, so bail.
    return status('400 Bad Request',
                  "Data insufficient or invalid.\r\n");

$file = preg_replace('/\.phps$/', '.php', $file);
if (! preg_match('/\.php$/', $file)) {
    return status('403 Forbidden',
                  "Invalid document.\r\n");
$docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
if ((! preg_match(";^$docroot;", $file))
    || (! preg_match(";^/home/[^/]+/public_html;", $file))) {
    return status('403 Forbidden',
                  "Invalid document requested.\r\n");
Header('Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
print highlight_file($file);

function status($msg, $text) {
    Header("Status: $msg");
    Header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1');
    Header('Content-length: ' . strlen($text));
    print $text;


The script in the solution uses a built-in PHP function to display the script's source in highlighted form. The preg_match against $docroot verifies the requested file is under the server's DocumentRoot. The next preg_match also permits files in users' public_html directories.

See Also

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