Recipe 5.10 Permitting Case-Insensitive URLs
You want requested URLs
to be valid whether uppercase or lowercase letters are used.
mod_speling to make URLs case-insensitive:
CheckSpelling On
The mod_speling module is part of the standard
Apache distribution but is not enabled by default, so you need to
explicitly enable it.
In addition to making URLs case-insensitive,
mod_speling, as the name implies, provides
simple spellchecking capability. In particular, in the case of a
"not found" error,
mod_speling attempts to find files that may have
been intended, based on similar spelling, transposed letters, or
perhaps letters swapped with similar-looking numbers, like O for o
and i for 1.
When mod_speling is installed, it may be turned
on for a particular scope (such as a directory, virtual host, or the
entire server) by setting the
CheckSpelling directive to On.
And, yes, that is the correct spelling of the module name.
See Also