Recipe 6.25 Running a Minimal Module Set
You want to eliminate all modules that you
don't need in order to reduce the potential exposure
to security holes. What modules do you really need?
For Apache 1.3, you can run a bare-bones server with just three
modules. (Actually, you can get away with not running any modules at
all, but it is not recommended.)
% ./configure --disable-module=all --enable-module=dir \
> --enable-module=mime --enable-module=log_config \
For Apache 2.0, this is slightly more complicated, as you must
individually disable modules you don't want:
% ./configure --disable-access \
> --disable-auth --disable-charset-lite \
> --disable-include --disable-log-config --disable-env --disable-setenvif \
> --disable-mime --disable-status --disable-autoindex --disable-asis \
> --disable-cgid --disable-cgi --disable-negotiation --disable-dir \
> --disable-imap --disable-actions --disable-alias --disable-userdir
Note that with 2.0, as with 1.3, you may wish to enable
mod_dir, mod_mime, and
mod_log_config, by simply leaving them off of
this listing.
A frequent security recommendation is that you eliminate everything
that you don't need; if you don't
need something and don't use it, then you are likely
to overlook security announcements about it or forget to configure it
securely. The question that is less frequently answered is exactly
what you do and don't need.
A number of Apache package distributions come with everything
enabled, and people end up running modules that they
don't really need—or perhaps are not even
aware that they are running.
This recipe is an attempt to get to the very smallest Apache server
possible, reducing it to the minimum set of modules that Apache will
run. That is, if you take any of these out, Apache will not even
start up, let alone serve a functional web site.
Apache 1.3
With Apache 1.3, this question is fairly easy to
answer. We've reduced it to a set of three modules,
and, actually, you can eliminate all of the modules if you really
want to, as long as you're aware of the implications
of doing so.
mod_dir is the module that takes a request for
/ and turns it into a request for
/index.html, or whatever other file you have
indicated with the
DirectoryIndex directive as the default document for
a directory. Without this module, users typing just your hostname
into their browser will immediately get a 404 error, rather than a
default document. Granted, you could require that users specify a
hostname and filename in their URL, in which case you could dispense
with this module requirement. This would, however, make your web site
fairly hard to use.
mod_mime enables Apache to determine what
MIME type a
particular file is, and send the appropriate MIME header with that
file, enabling the browser to know how to render that file. Without
mod_mime, your web server will treat
all files as having the MIME type set by the
DefaultType directive. If this happens to match
the actual type of the file, well and good; otherwise, this will
cause the browser to render the document incorrectly. If your web
site consists only of one type of files, you can omit this module.
Finally, mod_log_config, while not technically
required at all, is highly recommended. Running your web server
without any activity logfiles will leave you without any idea of how
your site is being used, which can be detrimental to the health of
your server. However, you should note that it is not possible to
disable the ErrorLog functionality of Apache, and
so, if you really don't care about the access
information of your web site, you could feasibly leave off
mod_log_config and still have error log information.
The default distributed configuration file will need some adjustment
to run under these reduced conditions. In particular, you will
probably need to remove
Order, Allow, and
Deny directives (provided by
mod_access), and you will need to remove
LogFormat and CustomLog
directives if you remove mod_log_config. Many
other sections of the configuration files are protected by
<IfModule> sections and will still function
in the absence of the required modules.
Apache 2.0
With Apache 2.0, a new configuration utility is
used, and so the command-line syntax is more complicated. In
particular, there is no single command-line option to let you remove
all modules, and so every module must be specified with a
—disable directive.
The list of modules that are minimally required for Apache 2.0 is the
same as that for 1.3. mod_dir,
mod_mime, and
mod_log_config are each recommended, but not
mandated, for the same reasons outlined previously.