Chapter 11. Performance
Your web
site can probably be made to
faster, if you are willing to make a few tradeoffs, and spend a
little time benchmarking your site to see what is really slowing it
There are a number of things that you can configure differently to
get a performance boost. Although, there are other things to which
you may have to make more substantial changes. It all depends on what
you can afford to give up and what you are willing to trade off. For
example, in many cases, you may need to trade performance for
security, or vice versa.
In this chapter, we make some recommendations of things that you can
change, and we warn against things that can cause substantial
slow-downs. Be aware that web sites are very individual, and what may
speed up one web site may not necessarily speed up another web site.
Topics covered include hardware considerations, configuration file
changes, and dynamic content generation, which can all be factors in
getting every ounce of performance out of your web site.
Very frequently, application developers develop programs in
conditions that don't nearly enough reflect the
conditions under which they will be run in production. Consequently,
the application that seemed to run adequately fast with the test
database of 100 records, runs painfully slowly with the production
database of 200,000 records.
By ensuring that your test environment is at least as demanding as
your production environment, you greatly reduce the chances that your
application will perform unexpectedly slowly when you roll it out.