Recipe 2.6 Installing mod_php on Windows
You want to add the
mod_php scripting module to your existing
Apache server on
This recipe needs to be described largely in terms of actions rather
than explicit commands to be issued.
Download the PHP Windows binary .zip file with
API extensions (not the .exe file) from Unpack the .zip file into a directory where you
can keep its contents indefinitely (such as
C:\PHP4). If you use
WinZip, be sure to select the Use folder names checkbox to preserve the
directory structure inside the .zip file. Copy the PHP4\SAPI\php4apache.dll to the
\modules\ directory under your Apache
installation's ServerRoot. In a command-prompt window, change to the PHP4
directory where you unpacked the .zip file, and
type: ...\PHP4>copy php.ini-dist %SYSTEMROOT%\php.ini
...\PHP4>copy php4ts.dll %SYSTEMROOT% (If installing on Windows 95 or Windows 98, use
%WINDOWS% instead of
%SYSTEMROOT%.) Edit the %SYSTEMROOT%\php.ini file, locate the
line that starts with extensions_dir, and change
the value to point to the PHP4\extensions
directory. For instance, if you unpacked the
.zip file into C:\PHP4,
this line should look like: extensions_dir = C:\PHP4\extensions Edit the conf\httpd.conf file under the Apache
ServerRoot and add the following lines near the
other LoadModule lines: LoadModule php4_module modules/php4apache.dll Add the following lines in some scope where they will apply to your
.php files: <IfModule mod_php4.c>
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
</IfModule> Restart the Apache server, and the PHP module should be active.
The PHP module installation on Windows requires a lot of nit-picky
manual steps. To test that your installation was successful, create a
file named info.php in your
server's DocumentRoot; the file
should contain the single line:
<?php phpinfo( ); ?>
After restarting your server, try fetching the document
info.php from it using a browser. You should see
a detailed description of the PHP options that are active.
There are numerous additional options and extensions available for
PHP; the recipe given here is only the most basic installation. See
the install.txt file in the
PHP4 directory and the documentation on the web
site for more details.
See Also