Recipe 3.10 Logging Hostnames Instead of IP Addresses
You want to see hostnames in your activity
log instead of IP
You can let the web server resolve the hostname when it processes the
request by enabling runtime lookups with the Apache directive:
HostnameLookups On
Or, you can let Apache use the IP address during normal processing
and let a piped logging process resolve them as part of recording the
HostnameLookups Off
CustomLog "| /path/to/logresolve -c >> /path/to/logs/access_log.resolved" combined
Or, you can let Apache use and log the IP addresses, and resolve them
later when analyzing the logfile. Add this to
CustomLog /path/to/logs/access_log.raw combined
And analyze the log with:
% /path/to/logresolve -c < access_log.raw > access_log.resolved
The Apache activity logging mechanism can record
either the client's IP address or its hostname (or
both). Logging the hostname directly requires that the server spend
some time to perform a DNS lookup to turn the IP address (which it
already has) into a hostname. This can have some serious impact on
the server's performance, however, because it needs
to consult the name service in order to turn the address into a name;
and while a server child or thread is busy waiting for that, it
isn't handling client requests. One alternative is
to have the server record only the client's IP
address and resolve the address to a name during logfile
postprocessing and analysis. At the very least, defer it to a
separate process that won't directly tie up the web
server with the resolution overhead.
In theory this is an excellent choice; in practice, however, there
are some pitfalls. For one thing, the
logresolve application included with Apache
(usually installed in the bin/ subdirectory
under the ServerRoot) will only resolve IP
addresses that appear at the very beginning of the log entry, and so
it's not very flexible if you want to use a
nonstandard format for your logfile. For another, if too much time
passes between the collection and resolution of the IP addresses, the
DNS may have changed sufficiently so that misleading or incorrect
results may be obtained. This is especially a problem with
dynamically allocated IP addresses such as those issued by ISPs.
An additional shortcoming becomes apparent if you feed your log
records directly to logresolve through a pipe:
as of Apache 1.3.24 at least, logresolve
doesn't flush its output buffers immediately, so
there's the possibility of lost data if the logging
process or the system should crash.
See Also