Recipe 3.12 Logging Proxy Requests
You want to log requests that go through your
proxy to a different file than the requests coming directly to your
Use the
SetEnv directive to earmark those requests
that came through the proxy server, in order to trigger conditional
<Directory proxy:*>
SetEnv is_proxied 1
CustomLog logs/proxy_log combined env=is_proxied
Apache 1.3 has a special syntax for the
<Directory> directive, which applies specifically
to requests passing through the proxy module. Although the
* makes it appear that wildcards can be used to
match documents, it's misleading; it
isn't really a wildcard. You may either match
explicit paths, such as proxy:, or use
* to match everything. You
can not do something like proxy:*.html.
If you want to apply different directives to different proxied paths,
you need to take advantage of another module. Because
you're dealing with requests that are passing
through your server rather than being handled by it directly
(i.e., your server is a
proxy rather than an origin
server), you can't use
<Files> or
<FilesMatch> containers to apply directives
to particular proxied documents. Nor can you use
<Location> or
<LocationMatch> stanzas, because they
can't appear inside a
<Directory> container. You can, however, use
mod_rewrite's capabilities to
make decisions based on the path of the requested document. For
instance, you can log proxied requests for images in a separate file
with something like this:
<Directory proxy:*>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule "\.(gif|png|jpg)$" "-" [ENV=proxied_image:1]
RewriteCond "%{ENV:proxied_image}" "!1"
RewriteRule "^" "-" [ENV=proxied_other:1]
CustomLog logs/proxy_image_log combined env=proxied_image
CustomLog logs/proxy_other_log combined env=proxied_other
Directives in the
<Directory proxy:*> container will only
apply to requests going through your server. The first
RewriteRule directive sets an environment variable
if the requested document ends in .gif,
.png, or .jpg. The
RewriteCond directive tests to see if that
envariable isn't set, and the following
RewriteRule will set a different envariable if
so. The two CustomLog directives send the different types
of requests to different logfiles according to the environment
See Also