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Other Sources

In addition to books, there is a wealth of information available online. There are web sites, mailing lists, and USENET newsgroups devoted to the use and management of the Apache web server. The web sites are limitless, but here are some active and useful sources of information.

  • The comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix and USENET newsgroups. Although these aren't dedicated to Apache specifically, there is a lot of traffic concerning it, and experienced Apache users hang out here. If you don't have access to news, or know how to reach USENET, check out

  • The Apache Today web site, run by Internet.Com. This site regularly lists articles about the web server and making the most of it. The URL is http://ApacheToday.Com/.

  • The mailing list is populated with people who have varying degrees of experience with the Apache software, and some of the Apache developers can be found there, too. Posting is only permitted to subscribed participants. To join the list, visit

  • The #apache IRC channel on the network�or on many other IRC networks, for that matter. However, your chances of encountering us are most likely on the freenode network.

We must point out that none of these is an "official" support medium for the web server. In fact, there is no "official" support path, since the software is largely developed by volunteers and is free. However, these informal support forums successfully answer many questions.

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