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12.6 Considering/IgnoringThere are two kinds of considering/ignoring block. One is the "ignoring application responses" block, which affects the nature of Apple events targeting an application. The other affects the details of string comparisons. 12.6.1 Ignoring Application ResponsesRecall from Section 4.1 that during interapplication communications, the sender of an Apple event may specify that it has no intention of waiting around for a reply. It doesn't care what the result is; it doesn't care if there's an error. It just wants to send the Apple event and be done with it, proceeding immediately to its own next step. In AppleScript, here's how to send such an Apple event: ignoring application responses -- code end ignoring Within the block, only Apple events sent to other applications are affected. Apple events sent to scripting additions, for example, are sent in the normal way and receive whatever replies they normally receive. For an example, see Section 1.4. The code that opens a URL from the clipboard is wrapped in an "ignoring application responses" block because I want the browser or mail client or whatever to open in the background and without my waiting for it; thus I can get on immediately with what I was doing. Inside an "ignoring application responses" block, it is possible to override the block by embedding a "considering application responses" block. You might use this, for example, to ignore application responses from one application but not another. 12.6.2 String ConsiderationsString considerations are features of strings that may optionally come into play when performing a string comparison (see Section 15.3 and Section 15.4). For example, string comparison may be case-sensitive or case-insensitive. You use a considering/ignoring block to govern this behavior. Until recently there was no mechanism for making string considerations visible to a targeted application. This meant that string considerations could operate only within AppleScript; a string comparison performed as part of a boolean test element specifier, for example, could not be affected by string considerations (see Section 10.7.8 and Section 15.7). This limitation has changed, but applications must be rewritten if they are to notice and take account of string considerations. See also Section 20.5.5 on the offset scripting addition command. Here are the string considerations:
Here's the syntax for writing a string consideration: considering | ignoring considerations [but ignoring | considering considerations] -- code end considering | ignoring Each set of considerations is any number of string considerations separated by comma; AppleScript will rewrite the last comma as and. Entire string consideration blocks may also be nested. So, for example: ignoring hyphens, expansion and punctuation
considering white space but ignoring case and diacriticals
"a-" = "Å!" -- true
end considering
end ignoring
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