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20.2 Scripting Additions and Speed

One of the main reasons for using scripting additions is speed. For repeated trigonometric calculations, for example, it is certainly going to be a lot faster to use a scripting addition, such as the Satimage osax, than to roll your own calculation, as disingenuously suggested at Apple's web site. Similarly, a scripting addition that implements transformations to a list, such as returning a list with a particular element deleted, is going to be faster than coding the same operation in AppleScript (see Section 5.5).

Just how quickly a scripting addition is called, though, depends upon how you call it. The osax architecture is such that a scripting addition appears to be present "inside" whatever application is being targeted when the scripting addition command is called. This is noticeable, and useful, when a scripting addition puts up some user interface. For example, if the display dialog command is called from within a tell block targeting the Finder, the dialog appears within the Finder; it's as if you'd given the Finder a new dialog.

Behind the scenes, the way this works is that the application is sent the Apple event denoting a scripting addition command and can't deal with it; the message is then sent on up to the realm of scripting additions as a kind of fallback. This means that when you use a scripting addition command while targeting an application, it must go through an extra step. If you use a scripting addition command outside of any tell block, or within a "tell me" block, the message is sent directly to the scripting addition, which is faster by about an order of magnitude:

set t to the ticks
repeat 5000 times
        tell application "Finder" to get offset of "i" in "ticks"
end repeat
set t1 to (the ticks) - t
set t to the ticks
repeat 5000 times
        tell me to get offset of "i" in "ticks"
end repeat
set t2 to (the ticks) - t
return {t1, t2} -- {944, 71}

(The command the ticks comes from the Jon's Commands osax, and is good for timing things; a tick is about one-sixtieth of a second.)

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