3.3 Conclusions, Lessons, and Advice
You'll no doubt have noticed that most of my time
and effort working on this problem was spent wrestling with the
particular scriptable application I was trying to automate. In
general, that's how it is with AppleScript.
AppleScript itself is a very small language; it is extended in
different ways by different scriptable applications. Trying to work
out what a particular scriptable application will let you say and how
it will respond when you say it constitutes much of the battle of
working with AppleScript.
Another feature of the struggle is that
AppleScript's error messages aren't
very helpful, and it lacks a debugging environment (unless you use
Script Debugger as your script editor application), so
it's important to proceed with caution and patience.
When you try to execute a script, all you really know is that it
worked or it didn't; if it didn't,
finding out why isn't easy. You can see that I
developed my final script slowly and in stages, testing each piece as
I went along. I knew that the pieces worked before I put them into
place; that way I could be pretty confident that I knew what the
script as a whole would do.
Here, to conclude, are a few apophthegms to live by, derived from the
foregoing. I hope you'll find this advice helpful in
your own AppleScript adventures:
- Use the dictionary.
The biggest problem you face as
you approach driving a scriptable application is that you
don't know the application's
"object model"—what
sorts of thing it thinks of itself as knowing about, what it calls
these things, and how the things relate to one another. In this
regard, nouns
(classes) are much
more important than verbs
events). Most scriptable applications,
especially if they are scriptable in a deep and powerful way, have
lots of nouns and relatively few verbs. Notice how I did almost
everything in the script with the basic built-in verbs
get, set, and
count; even select is fairly
standard. The only unusual verb I ended up using was
find. I spent almost all of the time worrying
about the nouns. The biggest problem in AppleScript is referring to
the thing you want to talk about, in the manner that your scriptable
application expects and accepts.
- Don't expect too much from the dictionary.
Try to think of other ways to learn how to construct the desired
reference. FrameMaker's dictionary let us down quite
severely on several occasions; I was much more successful in asking
for the selection and letting FrameMaker describe a thing in its own
terms than in trying to construct a reference from scratch based on
the dictionary. In fact, although I didn't say
anything about it at the time because the matter is rather technical,
FrameMaker's dictionary is massively faulty;
although I learned by experiment that an anchored frame can be an
element of a paragraph or of a document, the dictionary
doesn't say this at all. Had it done so, I would
have had a much easier time.
- Think outside the box.
When FrameMaker wouldn't just hand me references to
every anchored frame in the order in which they occur in the
document, I was frustrated but I didn't give up; I
tried to think of another way. The find command
looks broken to me, but I didn't worry about this; I
figured out how to move the selection point forward to work around
the problem. If you waste your time and energy bewailing things that
you feel are broken or quirky or inadequate in AppleScript or in some
particular scriptable application, you won't get any
work done. Face reality and tighten your belt another
- Start small.
Look at how much of the time was taken up testing very short snippets
of code over and over just to learn how to construct a reference or
to see what some operation would do. Part of the problem here is that
you don't know until you try it what an application
will permit you to do; the dictionary can't really
tell you. Another part of the problem is that AppleScript has no
built-in facilities for debugging. Therefore you need to develop the
program one line at a time, building it up from individual lines that
you already know work (because you've tested them).
Don't try to write an entire program in AppleScript
and then figure out why it didn't work;
you'll never manage it. By the time you put the
whole program together, you should be like a lawyer cross-examining a
witness in court: ideally, you should never ask a question to which
you don't already know the answer.
- Test every step.
When you don't know the answer to some question your
code is asking in the course of your script, find out. Use the result
of running a script. Use logging. You want to know at every step, as
you develop a script, whether what's happening is
what you want and expect.
- Don't be ashamed to experiment.
Don't be ashamed to guess! A lot of AppleScript code
development is guesswork. As Aristotle said, it is a mark of wisdom
to ask from a subject only so much precision as that subject admits
- Solve the single case before expanding to "every."
Solve the single case before expanding to a loop. Solve an artificial
loop before worrying about the boundary cases (that is, before
figuring out how to know exactly how many times to loop).
- Don't try to understand AppleScript's mysterious error messages.
The important thing
isn't what went wrong but where it went wrong.
Knowing where the problem is will usually suffice, because you know
where you need to make a change, even if you're just
guessing when you make it. If you think the error
isn't important, use error-handling (a try block) to
ignore it, so that it won't stop your code from
- Write a practice script before writing the final version of the script.
AppleScript has the power to do very far-reaching things, such as
deleting files and wrecking your document. You want to be very sure
things are working before you throw the switch that says,
"This is not a drill."
- Know the language.
It's true that in the course of development I did a
lot of guessing about FrameMaker's object model; but
I didn't guess about the language itself. I
couldn't have written this program at all if I
hadn't known already what my and
it mean, and how to use tell
and of, and how to form a boolean test specifier,
and what the difference is between a property and an element.
AppleScript may look like English, and that might make you think you
already know AppleScript because you already know English. If you
think that, you're wrong. AppleScript is a
rule-based programming language like any other. It is rigorous,
choosy, and precise. This book can't teach you to
write that one special script you'd like to write,
but it can and does teach you the language.