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Appendix A. The 'aeut' ResourceThis appendix contains AppleScript's 'aeut' resource, which is used for resolution of terminology as explained in Chapter 19. The 'aeut' resource is divided into suites. The AppleScript Suite is automatically visible to the compiler; these are the global terms that make AppleScript work. The Type Names Suite is automatically visible to the compiler as well. So, for example, you can always use the activate command (see Chapter 18) because it is defined in the AppleScript Suite; and the rotation class is always recognized, even if you can't usually do anything with it, because it is defined in the Type Names Suite. Applications may implement their own version of the Type Names Suite. It has the special feature that it is suppressed from the human-readable display of the application's dictionary, so this is a place for terms that must be defined for compilation but that the user never needs to see. The Standard Suite (also called the Core Suite) and the Text Suite are automatically visible to the compiler too, but they can be overridden and extended by individual applications, and terms within them don't necessarily have any functional implementation in and of themselves, though some of them do. So, for example, the count command, defined in the Standard Suite, works on lists and strings. But the exists command, although it is defined in the Standard Suite and is recognized when you compile a script, does not actually do anything in AppleScript itself; many scriptable applications, on the other hand, implement exists so as to give it some functionality (so that you can, for example, say exists disk 1 to the Finder). Other suites and their contents are not implemented except voluntarily by individual applications; they are not seen by the compiler except when an application that implements them is being targeted. AppleScript Suite EVENTS: activate: Bring the targeted application program to the front activate log: Cause a comment to be logged log string stop log: Stop event logging in the script editor stop log start log: Start event logging in the script editor start log idle: Sent to a script application when it is idle idle Result: integer -- the number of seconds to wait for next idle event launch: Start an application for scripting launch tell: Record or log a 'tell' statement tell end tell: Record or log an 'end tell' statement end tell error: Raise an error error [anything] [number small integer] -- an error number [partial result list] -- any partial result occurring before the error [from anything] -- the object that caused the error [to anything] -- the desired class for a failed coercion Call·subroutine: A subroutine call Call·subroutine [anything] [at anything] [from anything] [for anything] [to anything] [thru anything] [through anything] [by anything] [on anything] [into anything] [onto anything] [between anything] [against anything] [out of anything] [instead of anything] [aside from anything] [around anything] [beside anything] [beneath anything] [under anything] [over anything] [above anything] [below anything] [apart from anything] [about anything] [since anything] [given anything] -- parameter:value pairs, comma-separated [with type class] -- formal parameter set to true if matching actual parameter is provided [without type class] -- formal parameter set to false if matching actual parmeter [sic] is provided Result: anything =: Equality = reference Result: anything : Inequality reference Result: anything +: Addition + reference Result: anything -: Subtraction - reference Result: anything *: Multiplication * reference Result: anything ÷: Division ÷ reference Result: anything div: Quotient div reference Result: anything mod: Remainder mod reference Result: anything ^: Exponentiation ^ reference Result: anything >: Greater than > reference Result: anything : Greater than or equal to reference Result: anything <: Less than < reference Result: anything : Less than or equal to reference Result: anything &: Concatenation & reference Result: anything starts with: Starts with starts with reference Result: anything ends with: Ends with ends with reference Result: anything contains: Containment contains reference Result: anything and: Logical conjunction and reference Result: anything or: Logical disjunction or reference Result: anything as: Coercion as reference Result: anything not: Logical negation not reference Result: anything negate: Numeric negation negate reference Result: anything CLASSES: boolean -- A true or false value booleans (Plural) integer -- An integral number integers (Plural) real -- A real number reals (Plural) number -- an integer or real number numbers (Plural) list -- An ordered collection of items Properties: length integer -- the length of a list reverse list -- the items of the list in reverse order rest list -- all items of the list excluding first lists (Plural) linked list -- An ordered collection of items Properties: length integer -- the length of a list linked lists (Plural) vector -- An ordered collection of items Properties: length integer -- the length of a list vectors (Plural) record -- A set of labeled items records (Plural) item -- An item of any type Properties: id integer -- the unique ID number of this object items (Plural) script -- An AppleScript script Properties: name string -- the name of the script parent script -- its parent, i.e. the script that will handle events that this script doesn't scripts (Plural) list or record -- a list or record list or string -- a list or string number or string -- a number or string alias or string -- an alias or string list, record or text -- a list, record or text number or date -- a number or date number, date or text -- a number, date or text class -- the type of a value classes (Plural) event -- an AppleEvents event events (Plural) property -- an AppleEvents property properties (Plural) constant -- A constant value constants (Plural) preposition -- an AppleEvents preposition prepositions (Plural) reference form -- an AppleEvents key form reference forms (Plural) handler -- an AppleScript event or subroutine handler handlers (Plural) data -- an AppleScript raw data object text -- text with language and style information international text (Plural) international text -- text that begins with a writing code string -- text in 8-bit Macintosh Roman format strings (Plural) styled text (Plural) styled text -- text with font, size, and style information styled Clipboard text (Plural) styled Clipboard text -- clipboard text with font, size, and style information Unicode text (Plural) Unicode text -- text in the Unicode format (cannot be viewed without conversion) styled Unicode text (Plural) styled Unicode text -- styled text in the Unicode format encoded string -- text encoded using the Text Encoding Converter encoded strings (Plural) C string -- text followed by a null C strings (Plural) Pascal string -- text up to 255 characters preceded by a length byte Pascal strings (Plural) character -- an individual text character characters (Plural) text item -- text between delimiters text items (Plural) writing code -- codes that identify the language and script system writing code info -- script code and language code of text run Properties: script code small integer -- the script code for the text language code small integer -- the language code for the text writing code infos (Plural) <blank> -- the undefined value missing value -- unavailable value, such as properties missing from heterogeneous classes in a Whose clause missing values (Plural) reference -- an AppleScript reference references (Plural) anything -- any class or reference type class -- the name of a particular class (or any four-character code) RGB color -- Three integers specifying red, green, blue color values RGB colors (Plural) picture -- A QuickDraw picture object pictures (Plural) sound -- a sound object on the clipboard sounds (Plural) version -- a version value file specification -- a file specification as used by the operating system Properties: POSIX path string -- the POSIX path of the file file specifications (Plural) alias -- a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script. Properties: POSIX path string -- the POSIX path of the file aliases (Plural) machine -- a computer machines (Plural) zone -- an AppleTalk zone zones (Plural) keystroke -- a press of a key combination on a Macintosh keyboard Properties: key character -- the character for the key was pressed (ignoring modifiers) modifiers A list of 'eMds' -- the modifier keys pressed in combination key kind 'ekst' -- the kind of key that was pressed keystrokes (Plural) seconds -- more than one second date -- Absolute date and time values Properties: weekday weekday -- the day of a week of a date month month -- the month of a date day integer -- the day of the month of a date year integer -- the year of a date time integer -- the time since midnight of a date date string string -- the date portion of a date-time value as text time string string -- the time portion of a date-time value as text dates (Plural) month months (Plural) January February March April May June July August September October November December weekday weekdays (Plural) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday metres meters inches feet yards miles kilometres kilometers centimetres centimeters square metres square meters square feet square yards square miles square kilometres square kilometers litres liters gallons quarts cubic metres cubic meters cubic centimetres cubic centimeters cubic feet cubic inches cubic yards kilograms grams ounces pounds degrees Celsius degrees Fahrenheit degrees Kelvin upper case -- Text with lower case converted to upper case app -- Short name for application application Properties: result anything -- the last result of evaluation space character -- a space character return character -- a return character tab character -- a tab character minutes integer -- the number of seconds in a minute hours integer -- the number of seconds in an hour days integer -- the number of seconds in a day weeks integer -- the number of seconds in a week pi float -- the constant pi print length integer -- the maximum length to print print depth integer -- the maximum depth to print text item delimiters list -- the text item delimiters of a string AppleScript script -- the top-level script object applications (Plural) ENUMERATIONS: 'cons' case diacriticals white space hyphens expansion punctuation application responses 'boov' true false 'misc' current application 'eMds' option down command down control down shift down caps lock down 'ekst' escape key delete key tab key return key clear key enter key up arrow key down arrow key left arrow key right arrow key help key home key page up key page down key forward del key end key F1 key F2 key F3 key F4 key F5 key F6 key F7 key F8 key F9 key F10 key F11 key F12 key F13 key F14 key F15 key Required Suite Standard Suite EVENTS: open: Open the specified object(s) open reference -- list of objects to open run: Run an application. Most applications will open an empty, untitled window. run -- no direct parameter required reopen: Reactivate a running application. Some applications will open a new untitled window if no window is open. reopen -- no direct parameter required print: Print the specified object(s) print reference -- list of objects to print quit: Quit an application quit [saving yes / no / ask] -- specifies whether to save currently open documents close: Close an object close reference -- the object to close [saving yes / no / ask] -- specifies whether changes should be saved before closing [saving in file] -- the file or alias in which to save the object count: Return the number of elements of an object count reference -- the object whose elements are to be counted [each type class] -- if specified, restricts counting to objects of this class Result: integer -- the number of elements delete: Delete an object from its container. Note this does not work on script variables, only on elements of application classes. delete reference -- the element to delete duplicate: Duplicate one or more objects duplicate reference -- the object(s) to duplicate [to location] -- the new location for the object(s) [with properties record] -- the initial values for properties of the new object that are to be different from the original Result: reference -- to the duplicated object(s) exists: Verify if an object exists exists reference -- the object in question Result: boolean -- true if it exists, false if not make: Make a new element make new type class -- the class of the new element [at location] -- the location at which to insert the element [with data anything] -- the initial data for the element [with properties record] -- the initial values for the properties of the element Result: reference -- to the new object(s) move: Move object(s) to a new location move reference -- the object(s) to move to location -- the new location for the object(s) Result: reference -- to the object(s) after they have been moved save: Save an object save reference -- the object to save, usually a document or window [in file] -- the file or alias in which to save the object [as type class] -- the file type of the document in which to save the data select: Make a selection select reference -- the object to select data size: (optional) Return the size in bytes of an object data size reference -- the object whose data size is to be returned [as type class] -- the data type for which the size is calculated Result: integer -- the size of the object in bytes suite info: (optional) Get information about event suite(s) suite info type class -- the suite for which to return information [in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to return information Result: a list of type suite info -- a record containing the suites and their versions event info: (optional) Get information about the Apple events in a suite event info type class -- the event class of the Apple events for which to return information [in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to return information Result: a list of type event info -- a record containing the events and their parameters class info: (optional) Get information about an object class class info type class -- the object class about which information is requested [in 'intl'] -- the human language and script system in which to return information Result: type class info -- a record containing the object's properties and elements CLASSES: application -- An application program Properties: name international text -- the name of the application frontmost boolean -- Is this the frontmost application? selection selection-object -- the selection visible to the user. Use the 'select' command to set a new selection; use 'contents of selection' to get or change information in the document. clipboard A list of anything -- the contents of the clipboard for this application version version -- the version of the application applications (Plural) document -- A document of a scriptable application Properties: modified boolean -- Has the document been modified since the last save? documents (Plural) file -- a file on a disk or server Properties: POSIX path string -- the POSIX path of the file files (Plural) alias -- a file on a disk or server. The file must exist when you check the syntax of your script. Properties: POSIX path string -- the POSIX path of the file aliases (Plural) selection-object -- A way to refer to the state of the current of the selection. Use the `select' command to make a new selection. Properties: contents anything -- the information currently selected. Use `contents of selection' to get or change information in a document. window -- A window Properties: bounds bounding rectangle -- the boundary rectangle for the window closeable boolean -- Does the window have a close box? titled boolean -- Does the window have a title bar? index integer -- the number of the window floating boolean -- Does the window float? modal boolean -- Is the window modal? resizable boolean -- Is the window resizable? zoomable boolean -- Is the window zoomable? zoomed boolean -- Is the window zoomed? visible boolean -- Is the window visible? windows (Plural) insertion point -- An insertion location between two objects insertion points (Plural) COMPARISON OPS: starts with contains ends with = > < ENUMERATIONS: 'savo' yes no ask 'kfrm' index -- keyform designating indexed access named -- keyform designating named access id -- keyform designating access by unique identifier 'styl' plain bold italic outline shadow underline superscript subscript strikethrough small caps all caps all lowercase condensed expanded hidden Text Suite CLASSES: character Properties: <inheritance> text line Properties: <inheritance> text justification 'just' -- the justification of the text lines (Plural) paragraph Properties: <inheritance> text paragraphs (Plural) text (Plural) Elements: Character by numeric index Line by numeric index Paragraph by numeric index Text by numeric index Word by numeric index Properties: color RGB color -- the color of the first character font text -- the name of the font of the first character size fixed -- the size in points of the first character writing code 'intl' -- the script system and language style text style info -- the text style of the first character of the first character uniform styles text style info -- the text styles that are uniform throughout the text quoted form text -- the text in quoted form text flow -- A contiguous block of text. Page layout applications call this a 'story.' Properties: <inheritance> text name international text -- the name text flows (Plural) text style info Properties: on styles A list of 'styl'-- the styles that are on for the text off styles A list of 'styl' -- the styles that are off for the text text style infos (Plural) word Properties: <inheritance> text words (Plural) ENUMERATIONS: 'just' left right center full 'styl' plain bold italic outline shadow underline superscript subscript strikethrough small caps all caps all lowercase condensed expanded hidden QuickDraw Graphics Suite CLASSES: arc -- An arc Properties: arc angle fixed -- the angle of the arc in degrees bounds bounding rectangle -- the smallest rectangle that contains the entire arc definition rect bounding rectangle -- the rectangle that contains the circle or oval used to define the arc fill color RGB color-- the fill color fill pattern pixel map -- the fill pattern pen color RGB color -- the pen color pen pattern pixel map -- the pen pattern pen width small integer -- the pen width start angle fixed -- the angle that defines the start of the arc, in degrees transfer mode 'tran' -- the transfer mode arcs (Plural) drawing area -- Container for graphics and supporting information Properties: background color RGB color -- the color used to fill in unoccupied areas background pattern pixel map -- the pattern used to fill in unoccupied areas color table color table -- the color table ordering A list of reference -- the ordered list of graphic objects in the drawing area name international text -- the name default location point -- the default location of each new graphic object pixel depth small integer -- the number of bits per pixel writing code 'intl' -- the script system and language of text objects in the drawing area text color RGB color-- the default color for text objects default font international text -- the name of the default font for text objects default size fixed -- the default size for text objects style text style info -- the default text style for text objects update on change boolean -- Redraw after each change? drawing areas (Plural) graphic line Properties: start point point -- the starting point of the line end point point -- the ending point of the line dash style A list of dash style -- the dash style arrow style 'arro' -- the arrow style graphic lines (Plural) graphic object graphic objects (Plural) graphic shape graphic shapes (Plural) graphic text -- A series of characters within a drawing area Properties: color RGB color -- the color of the first character font text -- the name of the font of the first character size fixed -- the size in points of the first character uniform styles text style info -- the text styles that are uniform throughout the text graphic group graphic groups (Plural) oval ovals (Plural) pixel Properties: color RGB color -- the color pixels (Plural) pixel map pixel maps (Plural) polygon Properties: point list A list of point -- the list of points that define the polygon polygons (Plural) rectangle rectangles (Plural) rounded rectangle Properties: corner curve height small integer -- the height of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners corner curve width small integer -- the width of the oval used to define the shape of the rounded corners rounded rectangles (Plural) ENUMERATIONS: 'tran' copy pixels not copy pixels or pixels not or pixels bic pixels not bic pixels xor pixels not xor pixels add over pixels add pin pixels sub over pixels sub pin pixels ad max pixels ad min pixels blend pixels 'arro' no arrow arrow at start arrow at end arrow at both ends QuickDraw Graphics Supplemental Suite CLASSES: drawing area -- Container for graphics and supporting information Properties: rotation rotation -- the default rotation for objects in the drawing area scale fixed -- the default scaling for objects in the drawing area translation point -- the default repositioning for objects in the drawing area drawing areas (Plural) graphic group graphic groups (Plural) Table Suite CLASSES: cell Properties: formula text -- the formula of the cell protection 'prtn' -- Indicates whether value or formula in the cell can be changed cells (Plural) column Properties: name international text -- the name of the column columns (Plural) row rows (Plural) table tables (Plural) ENUMERATIONS: 'prtn' read only formulas protected read/write Macintosh Connectivity Classes CLASSES: device specification -- A device connected to a computer Properties: properties record -- property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties device type 'edvt' -- the kind of device device address 'cadr' -- the address of the device device specifications (Plural) address specification Properties: properties record -- property that allows getting and setting of multiple properties conduit 'econ' -- How the addressee is physically connected protocol 'epro' -- How to talk to this addressee address specifications (Plural) ADB address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification ID small integer -- the Apple Desktop Bus device ID ADB addresses (Plural) AppleTalk address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification AppleTalk machine string -- the machine name part of the address AppleTalk zone string -- the zone part of the address AppleTalk type string -- the type part of the AppleTalk address AppleTalk addresses (Plural) bus slot Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification ID small integer -- the slot number bus slots (Plural) Ethernet address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification ID integer -- the Ethernet address Ethernet addresses (Plural) FireWire address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification ID small integer -- the FireWire device ID FireWire addresses (Plural) IP address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification ID string -- the address in the form "" DNS form string -- the address in the form "apple.com" port string -- the port number of the service or client being addressed IP addresses (Plural) LocalTalk address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification network small integer -- the LocalTalk network number node small integer -- the LocalTalk node number socket small integer -- the LocalTalk socket number LocalTalk addresses (Plural) SCSI address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification SCSI bus small integer -- the SCSI bus number ID small integer -- the SCSI ID LUN small integer -- the SCSI logical unit number SCSI addresses (Plural) Token Ring address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification ID small integer -- the Token Ring ID Token Ring addresses (Plural) USB address Properties: <inheritance> -- address specification name string -- the USB device name USB Addresses (Plural) ENUMERATIONS: 'edvt' hard disk drive floppy disk drive CD ROM drive DVD drive storage device keyboard mouse trackball trackpad pointing device video monitor LCD display display modem PC card PCI card NuBus card printer speakers microphone 'econ' ADB printer port modem port modem printer port LocalTalk Ethernet Token Ring SCSI USB FireWire infrared PC card PCI bus NuBus PDS slot Comm slot monitor out video out video in audio out audio line in audio line out microphone 'epro' serial AppleTalk IP SCSI ADB FireWire IrDA IRTalk USB PC card PCI bus NuBus bus Macintosh video SVGA S video analog audio digital audio PostScript Type Names Suite CLASSES: type class info type event info plain text (Plural) plain text string bounding rectangle point fixed location reference application dictionary color table dash style double integer extended real fixed point fixed rectangle long fixed long fixed point long fixed rectangle long point long rectangle machine location menu menu item null pixel map record PostScript picture RGB16 color RGB96 color small integer small real system dictionary rotation scrap styles TIFF picture version unsigned integer type property info type element info type parameter info type suite info |
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