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return [return value]


Return true


The return statement returns values from functions or subroutines, just as it does in Perl and JavaScript. If you finish a function definition with just return, with no subsequent return value, then the function will return to where it was called in the script without returning an actual value. You can return any value, such as a number, string, boolean, or list:

return true

If you do not use return at all in a function then the return value of the function will be the result of its last statement, if the statement returns a result. (Chapter 9 is devoted to developing functions in AppleScript.)

If you define a function with just return without a value and then try to set a variable to the return value of that function, the script will raise an error.

Make sure not to confuse the return statement with the return predefined variable, which is a return character in a string such as:

set theString to return & "Start a new line"
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