8.15 Look for Gaps in Coverage as a Sign of Missed Exons
seeding parameters and alignment thresholds may prevent short or
highly divergent exons from appearing in BLAST reports. Figure 8-8a shows an alignment between a genomic query
and an EST. Most alignments overlap by a few bp, except for the 2 at
the 5´ end (left side). Gaps and
overlaps in coverage are easier to see by using the reciprocal search
shown in Figure 8-8b. To find the missing 7-bp exon
in Figure 8-8c, use bl2seq
(see Chapter 13) with the following command line:
bl2seq -i est -I 21,29 -j genomic -J 76047,76744 -pblastn -W 7
-I and -J parameters let you
select a specific region of each sequence. What
you've done is a BLASTN search between the missing
part of the EST and the region between the alignments.