9.1 OSCON 2000
My initial introduction to wireless networking was in Monterey,
California, at OSCON (Open Source Conference) 2000.
O'Reilly arranged free public wireless access for
conference attendees. The tremendous flexibility of being able to
connect to the network from anywhere led to all sorts of interesting,
unforeseen interactions. For example, people attending a large talk
could converse in real time over IRC and discuss the talk (and even
critique the speaker) without raising their voices. They could use
the Net as a resource when asking the speaker questions, to draw out
very interesting points by way of real-time examples. With an instant
messaging client, ubiquitous wireless made an effective, free,
two-way paging system. (Rather than trying to use the overloaded PCS
phone system, it was now possible to send a quick
"Where do you want to meet for
lunch?" message, and get a response back instantly.)
Conference attendees no longer had to return to their hotel rooms for
dialup access, or be banished to a terminal room away from where the
action was, just to check their email or refer to a web page. That
was assuming, of course, that one had an 802.11b card and laptop
handy. Personally, I had to wrestle a card away from a buddy who
happened to have a spare. I realized that networking on borrowed time
wouldn't cut it; I simply had to pack my own.
On returning from OSCON, there was much interest at
O'Reilly in getting wireless networking going at the
office. If that much flexibility could be put in place for very low
cost, why weren't we using it in-house? If
conference-goers could use the stuff to grill speakers for
information more effectively, what could it do for our company
meetings and presentations? And so, without even knowing my Direct
Sequence from my Spread Spectrum, I started down the long, winding
path of wireless networking.