Recipe 2.3 Controlling Case Sensitivity when Comparing Two Characters
You need to compare two
characters for equality, but you need the flexibility of performing a
case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison.
the Equals instance method on the
char structure to compare the two
public static bool IsCharEqual(char firstChar, char secondChar)
return (IsCharEqual(firstChar, secondChar, false));
public static bool IsCharEqual(char firstChar, char secondChar,
bool caseSensitiveCompare)
if (caseSensitiveCompare)
return (firstChar.Equals(secondChar));
return (char.ToUpper(firstChar).Equals(char.ToUpper(secondChar)));
The first overloaded IsCharEqual method takes only
two parameters: the characters to be compared. This method then calls
the second IsCharEqual method with three
parameters. The third parameter on this method call defaults to
false so that when this method is called, you do
not have to pass in a value for the
caseSensitiveCompare parameter—it will
automatically default to false.
Using the ToUpper method in
conjunction with the Equals method on the
string class allows us to choose whether to take
into account the case of the strings when comparing them. To perform
a case-sensitive comparison of two char variables,
simply use the Equals method, which, by default,
performs a case-sensitive comparison. Performing a case-insensitive
comparison requires that both characters be converted to their
uppercase values (they could just as easily be converted to their
lowercase equivalents, but for this recipe we convert them to
uppercase) before the Equals method is invoked.
Setting both characters to their uppercase equivalents removes any
case-sensitivity between the character values, and they can be
compared using the case-sensitive Equals
comparison method as though it were a case-insensitive comparison.
You can further extend the overloaded IsCharEqual
methods to handle the culture of the characters passed in to it:
public static bool IsCharEqual(char firstChar, CultureInfo firstCharCulture,
char secondChar, CultureInfo secondCharCulture)
return (IsCharEqual(firstChar, firstCharCulture,
secondChar, secondCharCulture, false));
public static bool IsCharEqual(char firstChar, CultureInfo firstCharCulture,
char secondChar, CultureInfo secondCharCulture,
bool caseSensitiveCompare)
if (caseSensitiveCompare)
return (firstChar.Equals(secondChar));
return (char.ToUpper(firstChar, firstCharCulture).Equals
(char.ToUpper(secondChar, secondCharCulture)));
The addition of the CultureInfo parameters to
these methods allows us to pass in the culture information for the
strings that we are calling ToUpper on. This
information allows the ToUpper method to correctly
uppercase the character based in the culture-specific details of the
character (i.e., the language, region, etc., of the character).
Note that you must include the following using
directives to compile this code:
using System;
using System.Globalization;