Recipe 3.9 Improving the Performance of a Structure's Equals Method
You need
to provide a better performing Equals method than
the default Equals method on a structure. The
default implementation of Equals on a
ValueType uses reflection to compare the fields of
two ValueTypes, resulting in poor performance.
Note that this recipe does not hold true for classes; although the
same techniques apply if you want to overload the
Equals method
in a class.
Override the Equals method. When this method is
overridden, you must also override the GetHashCode
public struct Line
public Line(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY)
x1 = startX;
x2 = endX;
y1 = startY;
y2 = endY;
private int x1;
private int y1;
private int x2;
private int y2;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
bool isEqual = false;
if (obj == null || (this.GetType( ) != obj.GetType( )))
isEqual = false;
Line theLine = (Line)obj;
isEqual = (this.x1 == theLine.x1) &&
(this.y1 == theLine.y1) &&
(this.x2 == theLine.x2) &&
(this.y2 == theLine.y2);
return (isEqual);
public override int GetHashCode( )
return (x1+109*(x2+113*(y1+127*y2)));
In addition, a strongly typed Equals method can be
added to further streamline this operation:
public bool Equals(Line lineObj)
bool isEqual = (this.x1 == lineObj.x1) &&
(this.y1 == lineObj.y1) &&
(this.x2 == lineObj.x2) &&
(this.y2 == lineObj.y2);
return (IsEqual);
In this recipe, we chose a Line structure
arbitrarily. However, your focus should be on the details of
overriding an Equals method. In addition, we chose
to define the equivalence of two Line objects as
having the exact same starting and ending coordinates.
All structures come with a predefined Equals
method that internally uses reflection. Take a look at the IL code
for the Equals method of the
System.ValueType class in the
mscorlib.dll using Ildasm. You will notice that
the implementation of this Equals method first
checks to see whether the object passed in to this method is
null. If it is not, the next check is to determine
whether the object implementing the Equals method
is the same type as the one passed in to it. If so, a check is made
using the internally implemented method
ValueType.CanCompareBits. If this method
determines that the bits of the two objects can be compared
successfully, a call is made to
ValueType.FastEqualsCheck. If this faster check
for equivalence cannot be made, reflection—which performs
slower—is used to obtain all the instance fields of both
objects and compare them individually within a loop. This may not be
the best way to go for your custom
ValueType—from both a performance and a
logic point of view.
Performance-wise, the Equals methods provided in
this recipe are faster. From a logic point of view, you can create
your own equivalence algorithm, and not depend on what the default
implementation considers equivalence. For example, your
ValueType could contain many different instance
fields, but the equivalence of two of these
ValueTypes may depend only on a subset of these
instance fields. By overriding the Equals method,
we can solve both of these problems at one time.
By creating a strongly typed Equals method, we can
take performance one step farther. The overridden
Equals method must confirm that the object type
passed in to it is not only non-null, but that it
is also of the same type. If both of these tests pass, an unboxing
operation must be performed when the object that is passed is cast to
its corresponding ValueType. Note also that a
boxing operation must occur when the Equals method
is called.
There are several rules that you should follow when determining when
to override the Equals method. The
Equals method should be overridden when
implementing the IComparable interface on your
structure/class. If the object passed as a parameter to this method
is either null or not of the same type as this
object, return a false. Finally, exceptions should
not be explicitly thrown in this method, as it might confuse other
developers that are trying to debug code using your object. These
rules are valid for reference types as well.
Whenever the Equals method is overloaded, you
should overload the
method. If you fail to do so, the code will compile, but a warning
will be issued stating that the GetHashCode method
should be overridden.
Overridding the GetHashCode method is desirable
for several reasons. Most importantly, overriding this method allows
your ValueType to be used as a key in a
System.Collection.HashTable object. The second
reason is performance. If you take a look at the IL for the
ValueType.GetHashCode method in the
mscorlib.dll using Ildasm, you will see that it
also uses reflection to obtain the first non-null
instance field of the ValueType. Once it obtains
this field, that field's
GetHashCode method is called to return a hash code
value. If no valid fields exist in the ValueType,
the internal method
ValueType.GetMethodTablePtrAsInt is called to get
a hash code. The final reason for overloading this method is to
control more precisely the algorithm for obtaining a hash code.
As a final
note, when overloading the Equals method, you
should strongly consider overloading the == and
!= operators. This overloading will provide
consistency within your type. For example, some clients of your type
may use the Equals method and some may attempt to
use the == or != operators.
Providing overrides to all three of these members allows consistent
use of your type. The code to overload these two operators for the
Line type is as follows:
public static bool operator ==(Line l1, Line l2)
return (l1.Equals(l2));
public static bool operator !=(Line l1, Line l2)
return (!l1.Equals(l2));
See Also
See the "ValueType.Equals Method"
topic in the MSDN documentation .