This class encapsulates
a pseudorandom
number (one chosen from a list of pregenerated numbers,
but that is statistically
After creating an instance of this class, use the Next(
), NextDouble( ), or NextBytes(
) methods to return random information.
NextDouble( ) returns a fraction value between 0.0
and 1.0, while Next( ) returns an integer between
and the maximum bound that you specify. NextBytes(
) fills a supplied array of bytes with random numbers.
When creating a Random object, you supply a seed
value to the constructor, which determines the place on the list from
where the random number is drawn. If you supply the same seed value
to multiple Random instances, you will receive the
same random number. Computers are incapable of generating truly
random numbers, and Random should not be used for
cryptographic algorithms. For a cryptographically strong random
number generator, see the
in the .NET Framework SDK Documentation.
public class Random {
// Public Constructors
public Random( );
public Random(int Seed);
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual int Next( );
public virtual int Next(int maxValue);
public virtual int Next(int minValue, int maxValue);
public virtual void NextBytes(byte[ ] buffer);
public virtual double NextDouble( );
// Protected Instance Methods
protected virtual double Sample( );