TypeCode | CF 1.0, serializable |
System (mscorlib.dll) | enum |
This enumeration specifies the
type of an object. It is available for
all objects that implement the IConvertible
interface. If the object does not implement this interface, use its
GetType( ) method (derived from
System.Object) to return an instance of the
Type class, which provides a
Type.GetTypeCode( ) method.
The TypeCode enumeration includes members for most
simple value types. If you use this method on an object that is not
explicitly represented in this enumeration, the catch-all value
Object is returned.
public enum TypeCode {
Empty = 0,
Object = 1,
DBNull = 2,
Boolean = 3,
Char = 4,
SByte = 5,
Byte = 6,
Int16 = 7,
UInt16 = 8,
Int32 = 9,
UInt32 = 10,
Int64 = 11,
UInt64 = 12,
Single = 13,
Double = 14,
Decimal = 15,
DateTime = 16,
String = 18
ValueType Enum(IComparable,
IFormattable, IConvertible)
Returned By
Multiple types
Passed To
Convert.ChangeType( ),