This class is a dictionary
collection in which values
can be retrieved either by associated key or by index (meaning that
the elements are specifically ordered). Keys are sorted based on
their object type (e.g., strings are alphabetically sorted). You can
override the default key comparison methods by providing your own
IComparer-implementing object to the
SortedList constructor.
Many methods are defined to allow you to retrieve values by either
key name or index value. The IndexOfKey( ) and
IndexOfValue( ) methods return the zero-based
index value of the specified key or value. GetByIndex(
) and SetByIndex( ) use the index values
for their functionality.
public class SortedList : IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable, ICloneable {
// Public Constructors
public SortedList( );
public SortedList(IComparer comparer);
public SortedList(IComparer comparer, int capacity);
public SortedList(IDictionary d);
public SortedList(IDictionary d, IComparer comparer);
public SortedList(int initialCapacity);
// Public Instance Properties
public virtual int Capacity{set; get; }
public virtual int Count{get; }
// implements ICollection
public virtual bool IsFixedSize{get; }
// implements IDictionary
public virtual bool IsReadOnly{get; }
// implements IDictionary
public virtual bool IsSynchronized{get; }
// implements ICollection
public virtual ICollection Keys{get; }
// implements IDictionary
public virtual object SyncRoot{get; }
// implements ICollection
public virtual object this[object key]{set; get; }
// implements IDictionary
public virtual ICollection Values{get; }
// implements IDictionary
// Public Static Methods
public static SortedList Synchronized(SortedList list);
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual void Add(object key, object value);
// implements IDictionary
public virtual void Clear( );
// implements IDictionary
public virtual object Clone( );
// implements ICloneable
public virtual bool Contains(object key);
// implements IDictionary
public virtual bool ContainsKey(object key);
public virtual bool ContainsValue(object value);
public virtual void CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex);
// implements ICollection
public virtual object GetByIndex(int index);
public virtual IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator( );
// implements IDictionary
public virtual object GetKey(int index);
public virtual IList GetKeyList( );
public virtual IList GetValueList( );
public virtual int IndexOfKey(object key);
public virtual int IndexOfValue(object value);
public virtual void Remove(object key);
// implements IDictionary
public virtual void RemoveAt(int index);
public virtual void SetByIndex(int index, object value);
public virtual void TrimToSize( );