This structure contains a performance
raw data. It represents a sample taken at a particular point in time
(the CounterTimeStamp property).
Calculate( ) returns a counter's
performance data as a float value. The
two-argument form returns values for calculated performance counters,
such as averages.
TimeStamp and TimeStamp100nSec
return the system timestamp, with varying degrees of accuracy.
(TimeStamp100nSec is the most precise, reporting a
timestamp within .1 milliseconds.) BaseValue
specifies a base raw value for samples based on multiple counters.
RawValue contains the sample's
numeric value. SystemFrequency represents how
often the system reads the counter, and
CounterFrequency represents how often samples are
taken by the counter. Both frequencies are represented in
public struct CounterSample {
// Public Constructors
public CounterSample(long rawValue, long baseValue, long counterFrequency, long systemFrequency,
long timeStamp, long timeStamp100nSec, PerformanceCounterType counterType);
public CounterSample(long rawValue, long baseValue, long counterFrequency, long systemFrequency,
long timeStamp, long timeStamp100nSec, PerformanceCounterType counterType, long counterTimeStamp);
// Public Static Fields
public static CounterSample Empty;
// =System.Diagnostics.CounterSample
// Public Instance Properties
public long BaseValue{get; }
public long CounterFrequency{get; }
public long CounterTimeStamp{get; }
public PerformanceCounterType CounterType{get; }
public long RawValue{get; }
public long SystemFrequency{get; }
public long TimeStamp{get; }
public long TimeStamp100nSec{get; }
// Public Static Methods
public static float Calculate(CounterSample counterSample);
public static float Calculate(CounterSample counterSample, CounterSample nextCounterSample);