This class provides the
TraceListener. By default, an instance of this
class is available in the Listeners collection of
the Debug and Trace classes.
The Write( ) and WriteLine( )
methods output to the log and to the active debugger (if any) via the
Win32 API function OutputDebugString. The log file
is initially unset, so output goes only to the debugger. To specify a
log file, set LogFileName. You may also set a
logfile in the <assert> element of the
application configuration file's
<system.diagnostics> section, as in
<assert logfilename="logfile.log"/>.
AssertUiEnabled determines whether to use the user
interface for failed assertions. If true, .NET
uses a dialog box with the options Abort, Retry, or Fail. Whether
this property is set to true or
false, .NET always writes messages to the
LogFileName, if one is specified. The
AssertUiEnabled property can be set using the
<assert> element, as in <assert
assertuienabled="false"/> (the default is
public class DefaultTraceListener : TraceListener {
// Public Constructors
public DefaultTraceListener( );
// Public Instance Properties
public bool AssertUiEnabled{set; get; }
public string LogFileName{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public override void Fail(string message);
// overrides TraceListener
public override void Fail(string message, string detailMessage);
// overrides TraceListener
public override void Write(string message);
// overrides TraceListener
public override void WriteLine(string message);
// overrides TraceListener