This class provides a switch
that can be set to one of the
values in the TraceLevel enumeration. These values
are inclusive and cumulative (for example, if
Level is set to
TraceLevel.Info, then
TraceInfo, TraceWarning, and
TraceError are true). See
TraceLevel for more details. You can configure a
trace switch using the application configuration file (see
public class TraceSwitch : Switch {
// Public Constructors
public TraceSwitch(string displayName, string description);
// Public Instance Properties
public TraceLevel Level{set; get; }
public bool TraceError{get; }
public bool TraceInfo{get; }
public bool TraceVerbose{get; }
public bool TraceWarning{get; }
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override void OnSwitchSettingChanged( );
// overrides Switch