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TraceListenerCF 1.0, marshal by reference, disposable

System.Diagnostics (system.dll)abstract class

This abstract class TraceListener is associated with a trace through inclusion in the Trace.Listeners collection. Each TraceListener is responsible for sending trace output somewhere. For example, when you call Trace.WriteLine( ), each TraceListener sends the same output to its respective output destination. Use Name to give a name to your TraceListener instances.

Use IndentLevel to control the level of indentation in the output. IndentSize specifies the number of spaces in each level of indent. NeedIndent toggles whether to indent the output at all. Use Write( ) and WriteLine( ) to send output to the TraceListener's destination. WriteIndent( ) emits whitespace according to the current IndentLevel and IndentSize. It has the side effect of setting NeedIndent to false, so the next time you call one of the Write* methods, it will not emit extra indentation.

You can use the application configuration file to add or remove TraceListeners. Look up System.Diagnostics.TraceListener in the .NET Framework SDK Documentation for details.

public abstract class TraceListener : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable {
// Protected Constructors
   protected TraceListener( );
   protected TraceListener(string name);
// Public Instance Properties
   public int IndentLevel{set; get; }
   public int IndentSize{set; get; }
   public virtual string Name{set; get; }
// Protected Instance Properties
   protected bool NeedIndent{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual void Close( );
   public void Dispose( ); 
// implements IDisposable
   public virtual void Fail(string message);
   public virtual void Fail(string message, string detailMessage);
   public virtual void Flush( );
   public virtual void Write(object o);
   public virtual void Write(object o, string category);
   public abstract void Write(string message);
   public virtual void Write(string message, string category);
   public virtual void WriteLine(object o);
   public virtual void WriteLine(object o, string category);
   public abstract void WriteLine(string message);
   public virtual void WriteLine(string message, string category);
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing);
   protected virtual void WriteIndent( );


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject TraceListener(System.IDisposable)


DefaultTraceListener, EventLogTraceListener, TextWriterTraceListener

Returned By


Passed To

TraceListenerCollection.{Add( ), AddRange( ), Contains( ), CopyTo( ), IndexOf( ), Insert( ), Remove( ), this}

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