Creates an assembly manifest
from the
modules and resources files you name. You can also include Win32
resources files. See GacUtil.exe for an
example of
creating an assembly.
- /?, /help
Displays usage information and exits.
- @ file
Specifies a response file containing arguments to
- /algid :id
The algorithm for hashing files. Specify the hexadecimal ID of the
algorithm (use WinCV.exe to inspect the
AssemblyHashAlgorithm enumeration in the
System.Configuration.Assemblies namespace). Valid
algorithm IDs for the first release of .NET include
0x0000 (None), 0x8003 (MD5), or
0x8004 (SHA1, the default).
- /base[address] :addr
Specifies the base address at which to load DLLs.
- /bugreport :file
Generates a text file that contains a bug report. Use this to report
a bug in al.exe.
- /comp[any] :text
Specifies the text of the assembly's Company field.
This has the same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute custom
attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Company resource (unless
you specify /win32res).
- /config[uration] :text
Specifies the text of the assembly's Configuration
field. This has the same effect as the
custom attribute.
- /copy[right] :text
Specifies the text of the assembly's Copyright
field. This has the same effect as the
custom attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Copyright resource
(unless you specify /win32res).
- /c[ulture] :text
Specifies the assembly's culture string. This has
the same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute custom
- /delay[sign][+|-]
Use /delaysign+ or /delaysign
to partially sign the assembly, and /delaysign-
(the default) to fully sign it. This option requires the
/keyfile or /keyname option.
See the
custom attribute for more details.
- /descr[iption] :text
Specifies the assembly's Description field. This has
the same effect as the
custom attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Comments resource
(unless you specify /win32res).
- /e[vidence] :file
The name of the security evidence file to embed.
- /fileversion :version
Specifies the assembly's File Version field in format (such as
6.0.2600.0). This has the same effect as the
custom attribute. This is also used as the Win32 File Version
resource (unless you specify /win32res). This
version corresponds to the Win32 File Version, and is
not used to determine compatibility for
side-by-side execution.
- /flags :flags
Specify flags for side-by-side operation. Possible values are
0x0000 (side-by-side compatible),
0x0010 (side-by-side operation is prohibited
within the same application domain), 0x0020
(side-by-side operation prohibited within same process), or
0x0030 (side-by-side operation prohibited within
the same machine boundary). This has the same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute custom
- /fullpaths
Use fully qualified filenames in error messages.
- /keyf[ile] :file
Specifies the name of the file that contains the key or key-pair with
which to sign the assembly. This has the same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute custom
attribute. You can generate a key file with the
Sn utility.
- /keyn[ame] :name
Specifies a key container that contains the key-pair with which to
sign the assembly. This has the same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute custom
attribute. You can add keys to a container using sn
- /main :method
Specifies the fully qualified method name
(type.method or
namespace.type.method) to use as the entry point.
Must be used in conjunction with /target:exe.
- /nologo
Suppresses display of the banner and copyright messages.
- /out :file
Specifies the output filename.
- /prod[uct] :text
Specifies the assembly's Product field. This has the
same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute custom
attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Product resource (unless
you specify /win32res).
- /productv[ersion] :text
Specifies the assembly's Product Version field. This
has the same effect as the
custom attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Product Version
resource (unless you specify /win32res).
- /t[arget] :format
Specifies the format of the file identified by
/out:file. The valid
formats are lib[rary] (DLL library),
exe (console application), or
win[exe] (Windows application).
- /template :file
Specifies another assembly from which to import all metadata (except
culture). The assembly must have a strong name.
- /title :text
Specifies the assembly's Title field. This has the
same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute custom
attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Description resource
(unless you specify /win32res).
- /trade[mark] :text
Specifies the assembly's Trademark field. This has
the same effect as the
custom attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Trademark resource
(unless you specify /win32res).
- /v[ersion] :version
Specifies the assembly version in format. This has the
same effect as the
System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute custom
attribute. This is also used as the Win32 Assembly Version resource
(unless you specify /win32res). This version is
used to determine side-by-side compatibility.
- /win32icon :file
Specifies an icon (.ico) file to be used as the
application's icon.
- /win32res :file
Specifies a Win32 resource (.res) file
in the output file.