Cordbg.exe | Command-line debugger
cordbg [program [program-arguments]] [!command ...]
This is a general source-level, command-line
debug utility for MSIL programs.
It's a very useful tool for C# source debugging
(make sure you compiled your program with /debug).
Source for cordbg is available in the
\Tool Developers Guide directory. You can start
cordbg with the name of a program and the
arguments to pass to that program. You can also supply one or more
commands (prefixed with !) on the command line.
After you launch cordbg, you are greeted by the
(cordbg) prompt, where you can type commands until
you exit cordbg with the quit
Sample Sessions
Set a breakpoint, start the program, and step through a few lines of
c:\home>cordbg Tester.exe
Microsoft (R) Common Language Runtime Test Debugger Shell
Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
(cordbg) run Tester.exe
Process 2024/0x7e8 created.
Warning: couldn't load symbols for
[thread 0xee8] Thread created.
004: for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
(cordbg) show
001: using System;
002: class Tester {
003: public static void Main( ) {
004:* for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
005: object o = i;
006: Console.Write(i + " ");
007: }
008: Console.Write("\n");
009: }
(cordbg) b 6
Breakpoint #1 has bound to c:\home\Tester.exe.
#1 c:\home\Tester.cs:6 Main+0xb(il) [active]
(cordbg) go
break at #1 c:\home\Tester.cs:6 Main+0xb(il) [active]
006: Console.Write(i + " ");
(cordbg) next
004: for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
(cordbg) step
005: object o = i;
(cordbg) step
break at #1 c:\home\Tester.cs:6 Main+0xb(il) [active]
Swap two string variables by changing the addresses they refer to:
017: string a = "A";
(cordbg) step
018: string b = "B";
(cordbg) step
019: Console.WriteLine(a + ", " + b);
(cordbg) print a
a=(0x00c51abc) "A"
(cordbg) print b
b=(0x00c51ad0) "B"
(cordbg) set a 0x00c51ad0
a=(0x00c51ad0) "B"
(cordbg) set b 0x00c51abc
b=(0x00c51abc) "A"
(cordbg) next
B, A
Invoke a static and instance method using funceval:
014: TestClass my_instance = new TestClass( );
(cordbg) next
015: return;
(cordbg) funceval TestClass::MyStaticMethod
In MyStaticMethod( )
Function evaluation complete.
015: return;
(cordbg) funceval TestClass::MyInstanceMethod my_instance
In MyInstanceMethod( )
Function evaluation complete.
015: return;
(cordbg) print $result
- ? [ command] , h[elp] [ command]
Displays general help. If command is
displays help for that command.
- > [ file]
Writes all subsequent commands to a file. If
file is not specified, this command stops
writing commands to that file.
- < file
Read and execute commands from a file.
- ap[pdomainenum] [ option]
Lists all the AppDomains inside the current
process. Valid choices for option are
attach (list all AppDomains and
prompt for which appdomain to attach to), detach
(list all AppDomains and prompt for which
AppDomain to detach from), 0
(list the AppDomains), or 1
(AppDomains and assemblies; the default list).
- as[sociatesource] (s | b breakpoint) filename
Associate the specified source file with the current stackframe
(s) or an existing breakpoint
(b breakpoint).
- a[ttach] pid
Attach to a managed process (use pro[cessenum] to
get a list of pids).
- b[reak] ([ file:] line | [ class::] function[ :offset])
Set a breakpoint at a given line number or function. With no
arguments, lists all breakpoints.
- ca[tch] [ event]
Specify an event type to suspend execution when that event occurs.
Valid types are e[xceptions]
(an exception is thrown), u[nhandled] (an
exception is thrown that is not handled by the program),
c[lass] (a class is loaded),
m[odule] (a module is loaded), or
t[hread] (a thread is started). With no arguments,
catch displays a list of event types with the
current catch/ignore settings.
- cont [ count] , g[o]
Continues until the next breakpoint or until the program terminates,
whichever comes first. Use count to
continue over breakpoints multiple times.
- del[ete] [ breakpoint ...] , rem[ove] [ breakpoint ...]
Delete the specified breakpoint(s). Use the breakpoint IDs as listed
by the break command. If you
don't specify a breakpoint, all breakpoints are
- de[tach]
Detach from the current process and let it run to completion.
- dis[assemble] [0x address] [{+|-} delta] [ lines]
Displays native code disassembly for the current instruction pointer
(IP) or address. By default, five lines of surrounding context before
and after the IP are shown (use the lines
argument to change this).
- d[own] [ count]
Move the stack pointer down one stack frame or the specified number
of stack frames. This does not affect the instruction pointer, but it
does affect the output of subsequent show
- du[mp] address [ count]
Dump memory at the specified address. The optional
count argument specifies how many bytes to
- f[unceval] [ class::] function [ args]
Execute a function. For instance, with methods, you must supply an
instance of the class as the first argument (see Sample Sessions for
an example). The return value is stored in the variable
$result, which you can inspect with the
p[rint] command.
- ig[nore]
Specify an event type to ignore when that event occurs (use
catch to suspend execution whenever that event
occurs). See catch for a list and description of
valid events. With no arguments, ignore displays a
list of event types with the current catch/ignore settings.
- k[ill]
Stops the current process, but does not exit the debugger.
- l[ist] option
Lists the loaded modules
(option=mod), classes
(option=cl), or global
functions (option=fu).
- m[ode] option (0 | 1)
Sets debugger modes. Type help mode for a list of
valid modes and their descriptions. With no arguments,
mode displays current mode settings.
- newo[bj] type
Creates a new object, stored in the variable
- newobjnc type
Creates a new object without calling the constructor. The new object
is stored in the variable $result.
- news[tr] "string"
Creates a new string, stored in the variable
- ns[ingle] [ count]
Step to the next native instruction, stepping over function calls. If
count is specified, steps the next
count instructions.
- o[ut] [ count]
Steps out of the current function. If
count is specified, steps out of
count functions.
- pa[th] [ path]
Sets or (with no argument) displays the path used to search for
source code files.
- p[rint] [ variable]
Prints a list of all local variables and their values, or if
variable is specified, prints the value of
that variable.
- pro[cessenum]
Displays a list of each managed process along with its process id
- q[uit], ex[it]
Terminates the current process and exits the debugger.
- ref[reshsource] file
Reloads the source code for the specified file.
- reg[isters]
Displays the CPU registers and their contents for the current thread.
- re[sume] [~] tid
With tid, resumes the specified thread ID. With
~, resumes all threads except the specified thread
ID. See the t[hreads] command.
- r[un] [ program [ program-arguments]]
With no arguments, kills and restarts the current process. With
arguments, starts a new program with the specified program arguments.
- set variable value
Set a variable to a given value. You can set the address of a
reference type to a valid address for that type (see Sample
Sessions). The C# or JIT compiler may perform optimizations that make
certain variables unavailable, in which case you see the message
"Variable variable is in scope
but unavailable."
- setip line
Set the instruction pointer to the specified line number.
- sh[ow] [ number-of-lines]
Displays source code. The current line is shown with an asterisk
- si [ count] , s[tep] [ count] , i[n] [ count]
Steps to the next line of code, stepping into functions. If
count is specified, steps the next
count lines of code.
- so [ count] , n[ext]
Steps to the next line of source code, stepping over functions. If
count is specified, steps the next
count lines of code.
- ss[ingle] [ count]
Step to the next native instruction, stepping into function calls. If
count is specified, steps the next
count instructions.
- stop
See break.
- su[spend] [~] tid
With tid, suspends the specified thread ID. With
~, suspends all threads except the specified
thread ID. See the t[hreads] command.
- t[hreads] [ tid]
With no arguments, lists all threads and their IDs. With the
tid argument, sets the current thread.
- uc[lear] tid
Clears the current unmanaged exception for the thread ID specified by
- u[p] [ count]
Move the stack pointer up one stack frame or the specified number of
stack frames. This does not affect the instruction pointer, but it
does affect the output of subsequent show
- ut[hreads] [ tid]
With no arguments, lists all unmanaged threads and their IDs. With
the tid argument, sets the current
unmanaged thread.
- uw[here]
Displays an unmanaged stack trace.
- w[here] [ count]
Displays a stack trace for the currently executing thread. This
displays up to 10 (or count) stack frames.
- wr[itememory] addresscountbyte1 [ byte2 ...]
Writes count bytes to the specified memory
- wt
Steps through the program, one native instruction at a time, and
prints a call tree containing a count of instructions in each
- x pattern
Displays symbols matching pattern. Use
* as a wild card character (trailing
characters are ignored). The symbol format is module!symbol.
IL Debugging
If you'd like to step through the MSIL
instead of the C# source code, you can use
ILDasm to disassemble your program and then use
ILasm to assemble it into an executable
(don't forget the /debug switch).
Then, run that executable under cordbg:
C:\home>csc Tester.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.3052.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
C:\home>ILDasm /text Tester.exe >
C:\home>ILasm /debug
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Assembler. Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
Assembling '' , no listing file, to EXE --> 'TesterIL.EXE'
Source file is ANSI
Assembled method Tester::Main
Assembled method Tester::.ctor
Creating PE file
Emitting members:
Class 1 Methods: 2;
Writing PE file
Operation completed successfully
C:\home>cordbg TesterIL.exe
Microsoft (R) Common Language Runtime Test Debugger Shell
Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
(cordbg) run TesterIL.exe
Process 1004/0x3ec created.
Warning: couldn't load symbols for
[thread 0x61c] Thread created.
057: IL_0000: ldc.i4.0
(cordbg) show
052: .entrypoint
053: // Code size 51 (0x33)
054: .maxstack 2
055: .locals init (int32 V_0,
056: object V_1)
057:* IL_0000: ldc.i4.0
058: IL_0001: stloc.0
059: IL_0002: br.s IL_0024
061: IL_0004: ldloc.0
062: IL_0005: box [mscorlib]System.Int32
See Also
Csc.exe, ILAsm.exe,