InstallUtil.exe | Installer Utility
InstallUtil [/u[ninstall]] [options] assembly1 [[options] assembly2] ...
Executes installers and
contained within the assembly. A log file can be written, and state
information can be persisted. For complete details, see the
Installer Tool (Installutil.exe) topic in the
.NET Framework SDK Documentation.
- /? [ assemblypath] , /h[elp] [ assemblypath]
Prints a usage message and exits. If
assemblypath is supplied, it displays help
for any additional options supported by installers in the assembly.
- /logFile= file
Logs installation progress to a file (defaults to
- /logToConsole=(true|false)
If true, logs output to the console. The default
is false.
- /showCallStack
Prints the call stack to the log file if an exception is thrown
during installation.
- /u[ninstall]
Uninstalls assemblies. This option applies to all assemblies
specified on the command line.