Verifies that your compiler has
generated type-safe MSIL. C# always
generates type-safe MSIL. Useful for ILASM-generated programs.
- /?
Displays usage information and exits.
- /break= count
Aborts execution after count errors. The
default is one error.
- /clock
Reports on how long verification took.
- /hresult
Displays error codes in hexadecimal.
- /ignore= code1[ ,code2 ...]
Ignores specified error codes. You must specify the error codes in
hexadecimal format (such as 0x0000001F).
- /ignore=@ file
Specifies a file containing error codes to ignore. The error codes
must be in hexadecimal format.
- /il
Verifies only the PE structure and MSIL.
- /md
Verifies only the PE structure and metadata.
- /quiet
Suppresses display of errors.
- /unique
Ignores duplicate error codes.