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SoapSuds.exe SoapSuds Utility


soapsuds (-url:args | -types:args | -is:args | -ia:args) [options]


Creates XML schemas for services in an assembly and creates assemblies from a schema. You can also reference the schema via its URL. Use SoapSuds to create client applications that communicate with .NET remoting servers. Use Wsdl.exe to create clients that communicate with .NET Web Services.



Options and Arguments

-d[omain] :domain

Specifies a domain name, if one is required for authentication.

-GenerateCode, -gc

Generates code (equivalent to -od:.).

-httpProxyName :name, -hpn :name

Specifies an HTTP proxy name (use this when connecting through an HTTP proxy).

-httpProxyPort :port, -hpp :port

Specifies an HTTP proxy port (use this when connecting through an HTTP proxy).

-inputAssemblyFile :file, -ia :file

Specifies an input assembly file from which to import types. Do not include the .exe or .dll extension.

-inputDirectory :directory, -id :directory

Specifies the directory that contains .dll files.

-inputSchemaFile :file, -is :file

Specifies the input schema file.

-NoWrappedProxy, -nowp

Creates a proxy that is not wrapped (the default is a wrapped proxy).

-outputAssemblyFile :file, -oa :file

Writes output to an assembly file. SoapSuds also generates source code.

-outputDirectory :directory, -od :directory

Specifies the output directory.

-outputSchemaFile :file, -os :file

Writes output to an XML schema file.

-p[assword] :password

Specifies a password, if one is required for authentication.

-proxyNamespace :namespace, -pn :namespace

Specifies the namespace for generated proxy code. This should only be used for interop namespaces.

-se[rviceEndpoint] :url

Specifies the URL for the WSDL's service endpoint.

-StrongNameFile :file, -sn :file

Signs the generated assembly using the specified key file. See Sn.exe.

-types :type1,assembly[ ,endpoint][; type2,assembly[ ,endpoint] ...]

Specifies one or more input types, with optional assembly name and service endpoint.

-url[ToSchema] :url

Specifies the location of the XML schema.

-u[sername] :username

Specifies a username, if one is required for authentication.

-WrappedProxy, -wp

Creates a proxy that is wrapped (this is the default).

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