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Sn.exe Strong Name Utility


sn options


Verifies assemblies and their key information. Also generates key files and manages Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) containers, which provide a layer of abstraction over key storage and management. CSPs are enumerated in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider registry key. See GacUtil.exe for an example of signing an assembly.


Create a new key-pair:

C:\home>sn -k mykey.snk
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
Key pair written to mykey.snk

Add that key-pair to a container:

C:\home>sn -i mykey.snk MyContainer
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
Key pair installed into 'MyContainer'

Extract the public key from the key in the container:

C:\home>sn -pc MyContainer pubkey.out
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
Public key written to pubkey.out


-?, help

Displays usage information and exits.

-c [ csp]

Sets the default CSP for your machine. With no arguments, resets the CSP to the default.

-d container

Deletes the specified key container.

-D assembly1assembly2

Compares two assemblies and verifies that they differ only by signature.

-e assemblyfile

Extracts an assembly's public key into file.

-i filecontainer

Installs a key-pair from file in the container.

-k file

Generates a new key-pair and stores it in file.

-m [y|n]

With y, specifies that key containers are machine-specific. With n, specifies that they are user-specific. With no arguments, displays the current settings.

-o keyfile [ csvfile]

Converts a public key to comma-separated value (CSV) format and stores it in the csvfile. If csvfile is not specified, stores the data in the clipboard.

-p infileoutfile

Extracts the public key from infile and stores it in outfile. Use the extracted public key for delay signing (see Al.exe).

-pc containerfile

Extracts the public key from the key-pair that is stored in the container. The public key is stored in file.


Suppresses display of success messages.

-R assembly file

Re-signs a previously signed (or delay-signed) assembly.

-Rc assemblycontainer

Re-signs a previously signed (or delay-signed) assembly using the key-pair in the specified container.

-t[p] file

Displays a public key's token (-t) or the token and public key (-tp). The file must be generated with -p.

-T[p] assembly

Displays an assembly's public key token (-T) or the token and public key (-Tp).

-v[f] assembly

Verifies an assembly's strong name. Use f to force verification even if you have disabled it with -Vr.


Lists the machine's current settings for strong name verification.

-Vr assembly [ userlist]

Registers the assembly for verification skipping. You can optionally supply a list of users that this applies to.

-Vu assembly

Unregisters the assembly for verification skipping.


Unregisters all verification skipping entries.

See Also

Al.exe, GacUtil.exe

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