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TcpClientCF 1.0, disposable

System.Net.Sockets (system.dll)class

This class provides a client-side abstraction of the sockets API. The zero-argument form of the constructor creates the client. Connect to a remote server with the Connect( ) method (you must specify an existing System.Net.IPEndPoint or a remote IP address and port number). Alternatively, use an overloaded form of the constructor to simultaneously create the client and make the connection.

This class completely obscures the underlying socket. However, the GetStream( ) method returns a NetworkStream that you can use to send and receive data across the network.

public class TcpClient : IDisposable {
// Public Constructors
   public TcpClient( );
   public TcpClient(AddressFamily family);
   public TcpClient(System.Net.IPEndPoint localEP);
   public TcpClient(string hostname, int port);
// Public Instance Properties
   public LingerOption LingerState{set; get; }
   public bool NoDelay{set; get; }
   public int ReceiveBufferSize{set; get; }
   public int ReceiveTimeout{set; get; }
   public int SendBufferSize{set; get; }
   public int SendTimeout{set; get; }
// Protected Instance Properties
   protected bool Active{set; get; }
   protected Socket Client{set; get; }
// Public Instance Methods
   public void Close( );
   public void Connect(System.Net.IPAddress address, int port);
   public void Connect(System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEP);
   public void Connect(string hostname, int port);
   public NetworkStream GetStream( );
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing);
   protected override void Finalize( );   
// overrides object

Returned By

TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient( )

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