FieldInfo | CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable |
System.Reflection (mscorlib.dll) | abstract class |
This class is an implementation
of MemberInfo and allows
access to an instance field. Note that, like all reflective objects,
the FieldInfo instance refers to the metadata
concept of the field within the type, not a particular field within a
particular instance of that type. (This is important when working
with or manipulating the value stored in object instance fields.)
IsAssembly, IsFamily,
IsFamilyOrAssembly, IsPublic,
and IsPrivate allow you to check the visibility of
the field. FieldType returns the declared type of
this field. FieldHandle is a
System.RuntimeFieldHandle. Use
Attributes to retrieve the attributes. To see if
the FieldInfo has the
NotSerialized or
PinvokeImplFieldAttributes set, inspect the
IsNotSerialized and
IsPinvokeImpl properties. If the field is static,
IsStatic is true. The Set and
Get methods allow you set the values, and the ones
with Direct in their name take a typed reference
as opposed to an object.
public abstract class FieldInfo : MemberInfo {
// Protected Constructors
protected FieldInfo( );
// Public Instance Properties
public abstract FieldAttributes Attributes{get; }
public abstract RuntimeFieldHandle FieldHandle{get; }
public abstract Type FieldType{get; }
public bool IsAssembly{get; }
public bool IsFamily{get; }
public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly{get; }
public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly{get; }
public bool IsInitOnly{get; }
public bool IsLiteral{get; }
public bool IsNotSerialized{get; }
public bool IsPinvokeImpl{get; }
public bool IsPrivate{get; }
public bool IsPublic{get; }
public bool IsSpecialName{get; }
public bool IsStatic{get; }
public override MemberTypes MemberType{get; }
// overrides MemberInfo
// Public Static Methods
public static FieldInfo GetFieldFromHandle(RuntimeFieldHandle handle);
// Public Instance Methods
public abstract object GetValue(object obj);
public virtual object GetValueDirect(TypedReference obj);
public void SetValue(object obj, object value);
public abstract void SetValue(object obj, object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
public virtual void SetValueDirect(TypedReference obj, object value);
Returned By
Binder.BindToField( ),
IReflect.{GetField( ), GetFields(
)}, Module.{GetField( ),
GetFields( )},
), System.Type.{GetField( ),
GetFields( )}
Passed To
Binder.BindToField( ),
), System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.{Emit(
), EmitWriteLine( )},