This class represents a dynamically
created constructor
method. Create a constructor and add it to a type using either the
TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor( ) method or the
TypeBuilder.DefineDefaultConstructor( ) method.
The default constructor accepts no parameters, and just calls the
constructor of the parent class. You cannot use the
ILGenerator class with a default constructor,
because its code is provided by the runtime. Generally, a default
constructor does not need to be created, as the CLR provides it for
If you create a custom constructor with
TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor( ), you can specify
the constructor's parameters as an array of
System.Type objects. Alternatively, you can use
the DefineParameter( ) method to create a
ParameterBuilder. You can also add MSIL code to
the constructor using the GetILGenerator( )
public sealed class ConstructorBuilder : System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo {
// Public Instance Properties
public override MethodAttributes Attributes{get; }
// overrides System.Reflection.MethodBase
public override Type DeclaringType{get; }
// overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo
public bool InitLocals{set; get; }
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle{get; }
// overrides System.Reflection.MethodBase
public override string Name{get; }
// overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo
public override Type ReflectedType{get; }
// overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo
public Type ReturnType{get; }
public string Signature{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public void AddDeclarativeSecurity(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction action,
System.Security.PermissionSet pset);
public ParameterBuilder DefineParameter(int iSequence,
System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes attributes, string strParamName);
public override object[ ] GetCustomAttributes(bool inherit)
// overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo
public override object[ ] GetCustomAttributes(Type attributeType, bool inherit)
// overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo
public ILGenerator GetILGenerator( );
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags( )
// overrides System.Reflection.MethodBase
public Module GetModule( );
public override ParameterInfo[ ] GetParameters( )
// overrides System.Reflection.MethodBase
public MethodToken GetToken( );
public override object Invoke(System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr,
System.Reflection.Binder binder, object[ ] parameters,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture);
// overrides System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo
public override object Invoke(object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr,
System.Reflection.Binder binder, object[ ] parameters,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
// overrides System.Reflection.MethodBase
public override bool IsDefined(Type attributeType, bool inherit)
// overrides System.Reflection.MemberInfo
public void SetCustomAttribute(System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo con,
byte[ ] binaryAttribute);
public void SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder);
public void SetImplementationFlags(System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes attributes);
public void SetSymCustomAttribute(string name, byte[ ] data);
public override string ToString( );
// overrides object