This class is responsible for
registering and
unregistering assemblies with COM.
public class RegistrationServices : IRegistrationServices {
// Public Constructors
public RegistrationServices( );
// Public Instance Methods
public virtual Guid GetManagedCategoryGuid( );
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual string GetProgIdForType(Type type);
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual Type[ ] GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly assembly);
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual bool RegisterAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly assembly,
AssemblyRegistrationFlags flags);
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual void RegisterTypeForComClients(Type type, ref Guid g);
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual bool TypeRepresentsComType(Type type);
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual bool TypeRequiresRegistration(Type type);
// implements IRegistrationServices
public virtual bool UnregisterAssembly(System.Reflection.Assembly assembly)
// implements IRegistrationServices