DateTimeFormatInfo | CF 1.0, ECMA 1.0, serializable |
System.Globalization (mscorlib.dll) | sealed class |
This class defines how DateTime values
are formatted for a
culture. Several standard patterns are defined with the default
property values. These standard patterns are designated by a format
character. The format character provides a shortcut to specify the
format of a DateTime with the ToString(
) method. You can create custom formats using a set of
format pattern characters. These characters represent different
styles of day and time representations and allow you to build
customized pattern strings. To create custom patterns, first you need
to construct a writable instance of
DateTimeFormatInfo by using its constructor. Use
InvariantInfo to fetch a culture-independent,
read-only instance of this class.
public sealed class DateTimeFormatInfo : ICloneable, IFormatProvider {
// Public Constructors
public DateTimeFormatInfo( );
// Public Static Properties
public static DateTimeFormatInfo CurrentInfo{get; }
public static DateTimeFormatInfo InvariantInfo{get; }
// Public Instance Properties
public string[ ] AbbreviatedDayNames{set; get; }
public string[ ] AbbreviatedMonthNames{set; get; }
public string AMDesignator{set; get; }
public Calendar Calendar{set; get; }
public CalendarWeekRule CalendarWeekRule{set; get; }
public string DateSeparator{set; get; }
public string[ ] DayNames{set; get; }
public DayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek{set; get; }
public string FullDateTimePattern{set; get; }
public bool IsReadOnly{get; }
public string LongDatePattern{set; get; }
public string LongTimePattern{set; get; }
public string MonthDayPattern{set; get; }
public string[ ] MonthNames{set; get; }
public string PMDesignator{set; get; }
public string RFC1123Pattern{get; }
public string ShortDatePattern{set; get; }
public string ShortTimePattern{set; get; }
public string SortableDateTimePattern{get; }
public string TimeSeparator{set; get; }
public string UniversalSortableDateTimePattern{get; }
public string YearMonthPattern{set; get; }
// Public Static Methods
public static DateTimeFormatInfo GetInstance(IFormatProvider provider);
public static DateTimeFormatInfo ReadOnly(DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi);
// Public Instance Methods
public object Clone( );
// implements ICloneable
public string GetAbbreviatedDayName(DayOfWeek dayofweek);
public string GetAbbreviatedEraName(int era);
public string GetAbbreviatedMonthName(int month);
public string[ ] GetAllDateTimePatterns( );
public string[ ] GetAllDateTimePatterns(char format);
public string GetDayName(DayOfWeek dayofweek);
public int GetEra(string eraName);
public string GetEraName(int era);
public object GetFormat(Type formatType);
// implements IFormatProvider
public string GetMonthName(int month);
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