This class provides the same
functionality as
Directory, but in a strongly typed,
object-oriented manner. An instance of this type represents a single
directory. This class extends FileSystemInfo and
implements all its methods. In addition, it adds
Parent and Root properties to
return the parent and root directories, respectively. Similarly, it
also supplies GetDirectories( ) and
GetFiles( ), to retrieve its subdirectories and
files, as well as GetFileSystemInfos( ), which
returns both the files and subdirectories contained by the current
directory. MoveTo( ) allows you to move a
directory from one place to another.
Given the similarity between this type and the
Directory type, it may not be clear when one
should be used in place of the other. The key difference is the
Directory class is a collection of static utility
functions, whereas a DirectoryInfo object is an
actual object, maintaining state and identity in the classic style of
all objects. (In fact, the DirectoryInfo methods
often map over to use the corresponding Directory
public sealed class DirectoryInfo : FileSystemInfo {
// Public Constructors
public DirectoryInfo(string path);
// Public Instance Properties
public override bool Exists{get; }
// overrides FileSystemInfo
public override string Name{get; }
// overrides FileSystemInfo
public DirectoryInfo Parent{get; }
public DirectoryInfo Root{get; }
// Public Instance Methods
public void Create( );
public DirectoryInfo CreateSubdirectory(string path);
public override void Delete( );
// overrides FileSystemInfo
public void Delete(bool recursive);
public DirectoryInfo[ ] GetDirectories( );
public DirectoryInfo[ ] GetDirectories(string searchPattern);
public FileInfo[ ] GetFiles( );
public FileInfo[ ] GetFiles(string searchPattern);
public FileSystemInfo[ ] GetFileSystemInfos( );
public FileSystemInfo[ ] GetFileSystemInfos(string searchPattern);
public void MoveTo(string destDirName);
public override string ToString( );
// overrides object