This class represents an isolated-storage
filesystem area that
can contain files and directories. The static GetStore(
) returns a reference to the current store. Call
GetStore( ) only with the proper
IsolatedStorageScope enumerations set. There are
two shortcuts for this method: GetUserStoreForAssembly(
) returns the same store as GetStore( )
with IsolatedStorageScope.User |
IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly as its first argument, and
GetUserStoreForDomain( ) returns as though
GetStore( ) was called with
IsolatedStorageScope.User | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly
| IsolatedStorageScope.Domain.
GetEnumerator( ) returns all valid types of
storage isolation for the specified assembly and domain.
The rest of the methods for this class allow you to work with files
and directories. CreateDirectory( ) and
DeleteDirectory( ) allow you to create and delete
directories, just as DeleteFile( ) allows you to
delete files (use an IsolatedStorageFileStream to
create them). Close( ) allows you to close a store
opened with GetStore( ). GetFileNames(
) returns an array of filenames matching a given filter.
public sealed class IsolatedStorageFile : IsolatedStorage, IDisposable {
// Public Instance Properties
public override ulong CurrentSize{get; }
// overrides IsolatedStorage
public override ulong MaximumSize{get; }
// overrides IsolatedStorage
// Public Static Methods
public static IEnumerator GetEnumerator(IsolatedStorageScope scope);
public static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope scope, System.Security.Policy.Evidence domainEvidence,
Type domainEvidenceType,System.Security.Policy.EvidenceassemblyEvidence,
Type assemblyEvidenceType);
public static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope scope, object domainIdentity,
object assemblyIdentity);
public static IsolatedStorageFile GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope scope,Type domainEvidenceType,
Type assemblyEvidenceType);
public static IsolatedStorageFile GetUserStoreForAssembly( );
public static IsolatedStorageFile GetUserStoreForDomain( );
public static void Remove(IsolatedStorageScope scope);
// Public Instance Methods
public void Close( );
public void CreateDirectory(string dir);
public void DeleteDirectory(string dir);
public void DeleteFile(string file);
public void Dispose( );
// implements IDisposable
public string[ ] GetDirectoryNames(string searchPattern);
public string[ ] GetFileNames(string searchPattern);
public override void Remove( );
// overrides IsolatedStorage
// Protected Instance Methods
protected override void Finalize( );
// overrides object
protected override IsolatedStoragePermission
GetPermission(System.Security.PermissionSet ps)
// overrides IsolatedStorage