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Appendix A. Regular Expressions

The following tables summarize the regular-expression grammar and syntax supported by the regular-expression classes in System.Text.RegularExpression. Each of the modifiers and qualifiers in the tables can substantially change the behavior of the matching and searching patterns. For further information on regular expressions, we recommend the definitive Mastering Regular Expressions by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl (O'Reilly & Associates, 1997).

All the syntax described in the tables should match the Perl5 syntax, with specific exceptions noted.

Table A-1. Character escapes

Escape code sequence


Hexadecimal equivalent











Carriage return



Vertical tab



Form feed









ASCII character as octal



ASCII character as hex



ASCII control character



Unicode character as hex



A nonescape character


Special case: within a regular expression, \b means word boundary, except in a [ ] set, in which \b means the backspace character.

Table A-2. Substitutions




Substitutes last substring matched by group-number


Substitutes last substring matched by (?<group-name>)

Substitutions are specified only within a replacement pattern.

Table A-3. Character sets




Matches any character except \n


Matches a single character in the list


Matches a single character not in the list


Matches a single character in a range


Matches a word character; same as [a-zA-Z_0-9]


Matches a nonword character


Matches a space character; same as [\n\r\t\f]


Matches a nonspace character


Matches a decimal digit; same as [0-9]


Matches a nondigit

Table A-4. Positioning assertions




Beginning of line


End of line


Beginning of string


End of line or string


Exactly the end of string


Where search started


On a word boundary


Not on a word boundary

Table A-5. Quantifiers




0 or more matches


1 or more matches


0 or 1 matches


Exactly n matches


At least n matches


At least n, but no more than m matches


Lazy *, finds first match that has minimum repeats


Lazy +, minimum repeats, but at least 1


Lazy ?, zero or minimum repeats


Lazy {n}, exactly n matches


Lazy {n}, minimum repeats, but at least n


Lazy {n,m}, minimum repeats, but at least n, and no more than m

Table A-6. Grouping constructs



( )

Capture matched substring


Capture matched substring into group name[1]


Capture matched substring into group number*


Undefine name2, and store interval and current group into name1; if name2 is undefined, matching backtracks; name1 is optional*

(?: )

Noncapturing group

(?imnsx-imnsx: )

Apply or disable matching options

(?= )

Continue matching only if subexpression matches on right

(?! )

Continue matching only if subexpression doesn't match on right

(?<= )

Continue matching only if subexpression matches on left

(?<! )

Continue matching only if subexpression doesn't match on left

(?> )

Subexpression is matched once, but isn't backtracked

[1] Single quotes may be used instead of angle brackets—for example (?'name').

The named capturing group syntax follows a suggestion made by Friedl in Mastering Regular Expressions. All other grouping constructs use the Perl5 syntax.

Table A-7. Back references

Parameter syntax



Back reference count occurrences


Named back reference

Table A-8. Alternation

Expression syntax



Logical OR


Matches yes if expression matches, else no; the no is optional


Matches yes if named string has a match, else no; the no is optional

Table A-9. Miscellaneous Constructs

Expression syntax



Set or disable options in midpattern

(?# )

Inline comment

# [to end of line]

X-mode comment

Table A-10. Regular expression options




Case-insensitive match


Multiline mode; changes ^ and $ so they match beginning and ending of any line


Capture explicitly named or numbered groups


Compile to MSIL


Single-line mode; changes meaning of "." so it matches every character


Eliminates unescaped whitespace from the pattern


Search from right to left; can't be specified in midstream

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